Rust spots

Rich 3033

Well-Known Member
Anyone got any ideas? These are ourdoor. I ran my finger over the spots to see if my finger looked rusty but no. The spots are at different levels of the plant, most are lower but some in the middle and near the top.

I have indoor plants which receive the same nutrient solution and they don't have these spots. So i don't think its the PH or nute burn.

I sprayed them with Propolix (anti fungal) at the weekend and yesterday i sprayed neem oil + potassium soap.

EC 1.4, ph 5.5-6.2.
0.3EC calcium, 1.1ec ionic coco bloom.

Apart from these spots the plants are looking really healthy, much stronger than the indoor plants and they're the same age


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Looks like a magnesium deficiency to me. Some plants just need more of it than others. Throw some calmag into your nutrient program so that this stops spreading.

Thanks for the reply.
I was using AN calmag up until two weeks ago as the plants were looking like they needed more calcium. I think i had some of these spots back then.


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once a plant identifies itself as being magnesium hungry, I can pretty much count on that plant needing the supplement for the rest of the grow. Calcium is non mobile in the plant, so if you are lacking it, the symptoms will show up in the upper growth as spots on the leaves. Magnesium is semi-mobile, so the plant is able to steal storehouses of it from leaves all over the plant. This is what it looks like is happening here.
once a plant identifies itself as being magnesium hungry, I can pretty much count on that plant needing the supplement for the rest of the grow. Calcium is non mobile in the plant, so if you are lacking it, the symptoms will show up in the upper growth as spots on the leaves. Magnesium is semi-mobile, so the plant is able to steal storehouses of it from leaves all over the plant. This is what it looks like is happening here.

Okay I'll give them some magnesium.

I have canna magnesium and AN calmag. The ratio is 3:1 cal - mag.

Do you think they would be best with the Mg solo or the calmag? Like a corrective flush or just adding it to the feed schedule?

The canna magnesium bottle says not to mix it with their calcium in the same feed, so i don't know whether it's productive to alternate feeds with 0.3 ec cal or mg.

I tried AN calmag and atami calmag. AN is brown and atami is orange.
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