Server Migration - Possible Down Time


We are migrating into new servers today, please be patient as we get through this process. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. When done, the site will be 420 times faster than ever. :high-five:
We are still copying data and configuring the new web server. This is taking a lot longer than originally anticipated, however great things come to those who wait, right? :high-five:
From our Systems Administrator
I won't be able to finish it tonight, I can get a bulk of it done, I just can't flip it over. I promise it will be done within the next 2 days.

Thanks for your patience everyone!
Still moving files and configuring the new server, hopefully be done by the wee hours of this morning or by tomorrow. :high-five:

Servers will be up and down during this time. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone.
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