Sex before flowering?


New Member
Hi, does anyone here has Ed Rosenthal new book? i read a chapter where he says (maybe thats what i read) that if we give light from 400-450nm with peaking at 400nm in the dark period that the plants produce tiny flowers abling us to see the sex withouth interfering too much with vegetative growth. Anyone tried this? How does the thing work? does the plant stays on veg cycle? what happen if after checking the sex i stop interrupting the dark cycle?

Peace out, Jonny. :popcorn:
Ed likes to sell books - and to be fawned upon by the multitudes.

Did he, perhaps, fail to mention that most any cannabis plant will produce "tiny" (single) flowers before they enter the 12:12 flowering cycle when they reach sexual maturity?

At that point, you can hit them with the odor of a fresh-cut fart in the dark cycle and they will produce "tiny" flowers. Maybe he should suggest that?
isnt that pre-flowering? isnt that when the plant changes its stage from veg to flower? but then again wont the plant be unable to continue the vegetative grow?
Btw, sorry bout topic it wasnt my intention to upset you.

Peace out, Jonny.
Didn't upset me. Ed R. has helped many growers. And his information about the affects of the different wavelengths may well be true. It's just mostly unnecessary.

Yeah, people call them pre-flowers - which is a misnomer as they are flowers. They just show up before you cut the lights back.

And the plant will continue to grow in a vegetative state. I once kept a plant as a mother for about three years. It showed sex early on, maybe at the month anniversary of its sprouting. Like most cannabis plants do.

See this thread for more information:
What are preflowers?

Also see other threads listed under Sexing and Blooming in the site's mega-thread:
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know
Damn, everytime i asked if i could see the plant sex before starting the flowering cycle everyone said no and i always thought that pre-flower was like the first week of 12/12.

Thank you very much!
Peace out, Jonny.
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