sex determination


New Member
I found the following statement.
"sexual orientation is not even genetically determined until the third of fourth week of vegetative growth. This same rule applies to feminized seeds that can become males under certain conditions."
Comments? Arguments?
I've read somewhere on this site that there's a higher ratio of females when seeds are germinated in pots at least 5 inches deep.
I've read both opinions too.
I read that tests had been done at one of the Dutch seed banks and during the first few weeks of growth certain temps, and ratio's of NPK affect sex.

Some seeds carry hermaphroditic traits, this I know for a fact. They won't turn herm. unless stressed during flowering.
that statement i think is full of shizzle, for the simple fact that your genetic coding determines everything, before your even born, if that were the case, chromisones would be obsolete. lol thats like saying the condition of a prego female in her first 4 weeks of pregnancy will determine male or female.
The following statement was copied and pasted from a post/article titled "Joys of Growing". It can be found on the last page of this section of the fourm. This statement was taken from the section labled "Transplanting"
"One more tip:
A Russian study showed that seedlings with at least 4" of soil to grow the tap root were more likely to go female. The source I'm quoting says "This may be why some farmers get female/male ratios as great as 80%/20%."
I've also read a simular statement on one of the seed bank tutorial pages, but I don't remeber which one right off hand.

I have to stress that I do not agree w/this point of view. I just thought it was a good topic of discussion and debate. I've always been of the opinion that the sex of a seed is determined at the moment of polination. The more I read on the subject though I think some of the higher female to male ratios can be strain related, and also millions of years of genetic evolution due to the fact that MJ doesn't rely on anything but wind to pollinate.
well if I may add my 2 cents worth to this. I read in "the cannabis grow bible" that PH plays a role in this equation. If the soil had a high ph the plants would be predominantly male (or vice versa). This discussion didn't go very far lol. Perhaps everyone just started cloning :).
Well ye sexual orientation may not be determined by the 3rd or 4th week but it takes a plant several weeks or more to show sex via pre-flowers or in till matured, in less forced under 12/12 lighting regime at a suitable stage of growth !

But both regular seed or feminized may result in hermaphrodite's tendencies if grown in a stressful environment.
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