Should I start flushing can anyone tell by the pictures it’s hard for me too see the trichomes


420 Member
Any help is greatly appreciated


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Mice have been eating them before the get past the seedling stage. F*cking cat thinks they're pets. Been a bit of an ongoing battle ever since some piece of shit demolished my door thinking he could walk in and burglarize the place (stupid burglar :rolleyes: ) and it was a couple of weeks until I could get it (mostly) patched. I can't seem to get the population down to zero. Kind of afraid to set my grow tent up, because they'll chew through it (AfaIK).

But you don't have to have a garden in bloom to realize that the OP's plant is nowhere near being ready to harvest.

I'll leave the question of "should I flush at all" for another time. . . .
Still have a lot of learning too do I made a bunch of mistakes this go around but I’m trying... gotta start somewhere right lol but there doing better then I expected them too considering how bad I stressed them in the beginning


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Tortured - Bought some new victor traps, mostly cheap molded plastic but the snap mechanism is a metal bar with plastic coating on the kill zone.

Very easy to set - nome of that old tech shite from 1960. I’ve been working the traps now that weather is changing. Peanut butter is crack cocaine for mice, throw a BIC lighter flame on it for vermin with more discerning palates. I have doggie doors and woods nearby, so there’s a steady stream of new clientele.

But you know the old saying Build a better mousetrap and you can catch a better class of mice. See that’s why I’m doing this - to raise the standards of execution for mice in North America. But if you have cats this might not work unless you can position traps were cats can’t have access. But yeah my dogs hear that SNAP and often retrieve the trap, anybody got NPK rating for dead mice?
Plants look good - minus the blurple. Might help to fill the buckets with more soil next time around. Other than that rock on. A jewelers loupe or 30/60 X mini microscope $15 will help see your trichs (cause if you can’t see them close enough to tell colors - then how the f are we gonna see them?) also mini hygrometers $10 are very handy to put in your curing jars. Both can be had online or at your local grow shop
Mice have been eating them before the get past the seedling stage. F*cking cat thinks they're pets. Been a bit of an ongoing battle ever since some piece of shit demolished my door thinking he could walk in and burglarize the place (stupid burglar :rolleyes: ) and it was a couple of weeks until I could get it (mostly) patched. I can't seem to get the population down to zero. Kind of afraid to set my grow tent up, because they'll chew through it (AfaIK).

But you don't have to have a garden in bloom to realize that the OP's plant is nowhere near being ready to harvest.

I'll leave the question of "should I flush at all" for another time. . . .

Try a sulfur burn. That will get rid of the mice - it wont kill them unless they stick around but they dont and they hate sulfur. The smell aint too bad it goes away in the morning.
Try a sulfur burn. That will get rid of the mice - it wont kill them unless they stick around but they dont and they hate sulfur. The smell aint too bad it goes away in the morning.

Ha! I keep sulphur powder in an old sock, in a ziploc baggie in the truck. Get out of the truck in the woods, hit the legs from boot and up with it. Meeps the ticks/chiggers/bugs away. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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