sick plants?


Well-Known Member
hey all, first off, I'm colour blind, and concerned that I'm perhaps not spotting any tell tale colour variations on leaves that may indicate a problem of sort or another.

could you lovely chaps and chapettes take a look and let me know if there's anything to worry about?



thanks for the replies

the light is making the pics come out very yellow as you say, so I'll wait till daylight tomorrow and take a couple of them then as I've now convinced myself there's discolouration on some of them lol
yea get a pic without the hps on itll help us define what if anything is going on with your plant
looks like you are mid flower too - color changes in the older leaf will occur as the plant takes nutrients stored from it. smaller leaf could get purple if it is a 'purp' strain.

You want closer photos of the leaf, take an older leaf off the plant and get in about 5 inches away - mag and calcium deficiency, spider mite 'shotgun pattern' and powdery mildew will be easier to diagnose.

good luck

well spotted, DM, tomorrow completes week four of 12/12, but the first two were under 600w of CFL, hence them being a little limp looking and not as filled out as the other examples at this stage.

I'll get a pic up tomorrow in daylight.
hey folks, a little more info, and daylight pics;


Strain - Lemon Kush
# of Plants - 3
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Flowering day 28
Bucket Size - 11 litre
Lights - (1) 600 Watt HPS
Nutrients - Organic seaweed stuff
Medium - 75% Soil 25% Vermiculite
PPM - ?
PH - 6.9
RH - 40% to 50%
Room Temperature -19 to 21
Solution Temperature -24 to 25
Room Square Footage - 2.65' x 2.65'
Pests - None Known

Problem: Some of my leaves are a weird colour. There are three plants, one is bagseed, and the leaves are lush and green. The Lemon Haze pair are the ones with issues. Any ideas?

Plant 1



Plant 2





I think its normal aging - it is all older 'sun leaves' that show signs of losing color. The purple stem on the sun leaves also tell me it might be cold at night. All the new leaves look healthy.

If it was nute burn, heat - the damage would be on the outside edges of the leaf first. Normal aging you will see the color and brown start near the leaf veins - like they were being eroded from the inside. Nitrogen depletion is ok, but watch for mag/cal depletion - this is brown veins near the veins on the leaves. You want mag/cal during bloom, so add accordingly.

You should be using bloom nutes by now, and the lack of nitrogen can cause the sun leaves to lose color - as the plant takes nutrients from the sun leaves.

I would monitor and continue. Track the temp at night. I keep oscillating fan on lights out. I usually check PH only a few times after moving into my location - I use city water and get reports on water quality as well.

You also might consider tactics like pruning the sun leaves - instead of waiting for the leaf to drop off or rot more than 50%, I pull them at this time.

even with proper nutes, the bloom nute intentionally restricts the nitrogen - so the big sun leaves will feed the plant any nutrients it needs, and thus naturally decay like this. I saw another post by a member - ready to harvest, and it had the typical yellowing, browning leaves on it.

remove these leaves when they are about 35% decayed - this allows more light into the budding material.

I think the plants are a little young for that, but we will see.
And your in the right site for answers engineer.
People care here.
they're only day 28 of 12/12, so they should be at least three weeks from harvest

the bloom feed is a locally produced, 100% organic one, it doesn't have the nute levels on it, unfortunately.

I'm watering them every other day, and feeding them every other water.

the only additives are lemon juice to control the acidity due to living in an area of hard water, and a tablespoon of molasses.
temps at night drop to 19 degrees C, so I'm not sure that I need worry about that - or do I?

I have a 44cfm intake and 44cfm exhaust fan that run through the night when the inline TT shuts off at lights out.

can't think of what else to add.
correct - just the older leaves, as the plant goes from vegging to flower, the older leaves will be drained of nutrients and drop off. You can remove these leaves as they decay. Perfectly normal - 'three weeks from harvest' to see the sun leaves discolor and drop.

The important question - is the new growth looking healthy?

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