sick seedling


New Member
my seedling was one foot in the grave this morning after looking sexy after a week. taking a 420 member advice i moved it closer to the light and used just water instead of super thrive. is there anything else i wanna be doing. also do germinated seeds need to be under light to sprout. they are also in the pic. someone please advise.
need more info.. looks like it will be a dwc in the end?? i would get rid of the super thrive for now too. need to know ph, temperatures, and how often your watering, also how big is your light?? I used a little cfl bulb and had it on my stove at that stage of growth. But zero nutrients for now, water only when the cube feels light/dry, and yeah, depending on size of bulb it has to be closer, as you can see it is getting long reaching for the light...
Looks good, if those are just cfl's, I used 1 in a shade when my plants were that age,and had it right over top, then added more lighting a couple of weeks in. also no mention of ph, watering schedule, temperatures or how many watts. If you need help you need to provide information. Also, if that is tin foil in your box, it is know to cause hot spots which may burn your plants.
regular tap water, i water when the plugs look dry. its 80 degrees inside. the lights are 14w each. how do i void the hotspots. i did use foil.
to avoid hot spots, look for a product called mylar I believe (we used panda poly, black on one side white on the other). Mylar is a reflective tin looking stuff I think. as for tap water, you NEED to know ph. If ph is incorrect, your plant will not take up nutrients like it should. and 80 isnt too bad, but if it gets much higher you will have some problems...
duly noted. mylar is on my list. this seedling is determined to make it. it was on the deck this morning and now standing up and getting green again. i think she going to loose those leafs, but others are in the making. heres a pic. thanks for the info.. don't be a stranger, i need all the help i can get.
what will be some other things that i need other than a ph meter. by the way, what is a good meter for me to get?
not sure what to tell you there. I found one on amazon that does ph, EC, ppm, and temperature, it was about 140 after shipping. you can get away with just a ph meter though and probably spend less than half of what I did. I would recommend something that does ppm as well though then you can keep a better track of your nutrient solution, but thats not as necessary as ph.
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