Sickly plants from seeds-why? Hardly growing.


New Member
I germinated about 6 seeds (Gorilla seedbank) two months ago and they have been very weak plants from the very beginning. They were all different varieties but they seem to be weird three leafed plants??? They were put in good potting soil with guano from the gardening store but not one of the six has thrived. I live in Washington state and we have very long daylight hours and even with natural light and lamps close by they just haven't done well. Every single one of them look like rejects. They've grown very slowly with hardly any nodes. I've been very successful growing from clones but this foray into seeds has been very disappointing. I'm going to repot them today in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and put them in my grow tent. Maybe the soil wasn't good? Any ideas?
I germinated about 6 seeds (Gorilla seedbank) two months ago and they have been very weak plants from the very beginning. They were all different varieties but they seem to be weird three leafed plants??? They were put in good potting soil with guano from the gardening store but not one of the six has thrived. I live in Washington state and we have very long daylight hours and even with natural light and lamps close by they just haven't done well. Every single one of them look like rejects. They've grown very slowly with hardly any nodes. I've been very successful growing from clones but this foray into seeds has been very disappointing. I'm going to repot them today in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and put them in my grow tent. Maybe the soil wasn't good? Any ideas?

Seedlings don't need to be fertilized to thrive until their 2nd or 3rd week above ground :bongrip:

Got any photographs?
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