
William Holden

New Member
I plan on adding some nicely ground up marijuana to my Sub at work some night and cooking it in the toaster oven. My question is this though, will it smell like pot (everyone I work with smokes, besides my boss, but I never work with him. Seriously, I never see my boss) and what would you recomend as far as what sub to add it on? I know it should be fatty, but most of our food there is pretty low fat...

I think i'll put about 2 grams or a little more on a six inch sub, sound good?
Cheeses, Oils / Italian Dressings, Mayo, Ranch / 1000 Island, maybe bacon... yeah I dunno what else you guys put on subs, but I'd recommend cheese and italian dressing or something like that.. cheese & mayo maybe I dunno.. good luck
sounds weird.
I would much rather eat the sub without the weed and smoke four 1/2 gram joints to the face.
yeah like NL said. but also i agree with glitch if you are going to do it, add as much fat as possible. i would go with lots of cheese and mayo. butter up the bread. then toast it. and let us know if you do it.
Take this into consideration, I should of said it earlier.

We dont toast the subs with the mayo and stuff like that on it, I guess I could toast a BLT with extra bacon and cheese, with the weed on it..., then add the mayo and other stuff too.

I really honeslty wish I could stop smoking pot, but I dotn want to stop using it. I'm just looking for other ways of consumption, and testing them out.

I guess I could cook with it here at the home, if I ever get the chance.
Curtis, I think the sub idea is a little bizarre. At least bake them into a batch of cookies, but then again im not exactly big on edibles. I think their a waste of weed unless their Xtra potent, or if your a newbie to them. Because I wont get off of eating weed anymore.
Ehh, maybe it was a littel far fetched.

I dont know, I just need to get myself a decent vaporizer that doesnt cost much, because smoking is catching up with me I think. I just want to be healthy, and I do believe marijuana can be a great tool in a healthy life, however smoking anything isnt good for your body. Plus, eating it compared to smoking it offers quite a few advantages:
Longer high (major plus)
You'd get all of the THC, none of it is just burned off or anything, or just burning while you wait to hit the pipe or something.
Health reasons, you're not putting smoke into your lungs, rather a wonderful plant in your stomach.

I think what im going to do right now is look at those little vaporizers online, like the one advertised here on the site, and that 'smoke bubble' thing, and give those a go.

Maybe make a batch of cookies or brownies (although im not a fan of sweet food, I guess I cant really make pot cheeseburgers or something... or could I?)
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