Smokin in Iraq

dude, were you in the U.S. Army? if so, how the HELL did you smoke and get away with it? i'd like to know because I'm joining the military. lol
You wouldn't believe what a haven the army is for drugs. Everyone knew I smoked, they just couldn't catch me and didnt much care to. Be good at what you do, and hard-working, this kinda makes superiors turn a blind eye, even if they know what your doing. If you make yourself an asset and dont smoke while working they will be less likely to care about your extra curricular activities!

Piss tests still come along...a lot. The army is so disorganized though that they are pretty easy to get out of. They would "surprise" us, and wake everyone up at 4 to go to the basement for a piss test, that 300+ people they are trying to test. I would just casually walk back to my barracks room and stay there, sometimes they have people watching the hallways that are suppose to not let you back in your room, but there are ways around this, make lots of friends, then just tell the guy you have to go to YOUR bathroom to take a shit, stay in your room for the rest of the day, this sometimes gets you out of having to take the test at all. They make a lot of threats that no-one will go home until Everyone has taken the piss test, but these are idle threats. Don't get scared of these idle threats and take the test, you would be screwing yourself.
Instead, when you get to your room start drinking water! This is most important, get at least 1 1/2 gallons up to 3 gallons in you as quickly as possible, it takes a while and hurts. They actually sometimes will find you and make you piss, this is why you need the water, if they do end up testing you, which was about a 30% chance for me, then you are going to need all that water so you piss straight water. You can and should piss 8-10 times before taking the test. When you take it, piss the first few seconds in the urinal then without stopping your flow fill the cup. It will and should like straight water from the tap. After its said and done go throw up all the water in your body, otherwise you'll be in for a long and painful 24 hrs while the water slowly works its own way through your system.

Of course the other option is to just leave. When they surprise you with a piss test, or you find out there is going to be one tomorrow, just leave base, get a hotel, stay at a friends, be un-findable, dont let anyone know where you are or how to get ahold of you. When you come back the next day there will be hell to pay for going AWOL for a day, but most likely it will be some shitty physical labor-basically a slap on the wrist, at least you wouldn't have failed a piss test and be on your way home with a dishonorable discharge.

You will find other people that smoke in the army and make it through, I only knew about 3 others whom were like me and didnt get kicked out, at least 10-15 people I know got dishonorable or other than honorable discharges.

Of course luck plays some factor, but to make it without being caught you have to smarter than them and not do stupid shit. You dont want to draw attention to yourself for anything other than being an outstanding soldier. Good Luck Bro, I hate the fucking army.
actually i'm doing the Navy, but my parents were in the Air Force and said that all branches are the same and piss test all the time... I guess I'm gonna just stop smoking until I stack up a bunch of vaca days. Man you're good, not getting caught and all... that's sweet. I very much appreciate your input! I'll use it if needed. Thanks so much.
Yeah man, It was great, a great release in a stressful situation, I never smoked when I had shit to do though...I was a medic and wasn't going to chance it when someones life was in my hands. But after my 12 hour shifts right before going to sleep...ahhhhh.

It was good stuff, but in a place like that anything is good! lol. I wish I had taken some home and been able to compare it to something.
well thank you so much for your service to our country and takin care of our guys over there as well as yourself, you're a true patriot! it's too bad that such a small thing like weed can ruin lives and good names... i'm glad you are able to get away with it, the system is so fucked up. God knows you need some kind of release over there, I'm sure, to help you go to sleep peacefully after a stressful and dangerous day prepping for the next dangerous and stressful day.
Your story sounds like what I've heard from contractors coming back from Iraq. Small amounts of Lebanese hash seem to be around if you know where to look.

I didn't know the military piss tested these days? That explains why our boys aren't hauling home massive amounts of Afghani hash like they did with Vietnamese weed back in the day.
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