Solar Battery Power Question


Active Member
Im thinking about switching to solar/battery/power inverter set up for 3000 watts for 12 hours 7-7 (on over night so they charge during the day) How many watts of solar would i need as well as batteries?
Re: solar / battery power question

Im thinking about switching to solar/battery/power inverter set up for 3000 watts for 12 hours 7-7 (on over night so they charge during the day) How many watts of solar would i need as well as batteries?

A lot, like your entire roof covered in solar panels!
I think it would be better to run the lights when the most sun is on your solar panels so you get your power directly from the sun, storing power is still quite inefficient in this day and age.
Re: solar / battery power question

Actually, Tesla has a new power storage tech that is incredible. Even stores power from the grid during not-so-peak hours and uses the stored energy during peak hours. It's called PowerWall, you should check it out.
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