Spiders Getting Eviction Notices


New Member
I don't mind spiders on my outside plants.
In fact, I believe a small population of spiders is a sign of a healthy garden.
But some of my plants will be harvested in less than a week, and I don't like bringing spiders inside the house and I particualrly don't like being bitting while harvesting/manicuring.
So now the spider evictions start.
I don't kill 'em , I just make it uncomfortable for them. Like destroying their webs.
In one of the plants I found several leaves webbed together and I could see an egg case inside, so I carefully snipped off those leaves and put them in one of the plants that won't be ready for another 5 weeks or so. Hopefully they'll hatch and the babies will be on their merry was before those plants will be harvested.
For the spiders that can't take a hint I bang the branches against something like the fence as soon as I cut them off the plant.
Even so, I usually find a few when the buds are on the table undergoing manicuring. That's why I keep an empty margerine tub handy, to capture them and put 'em back outside.
Yeah, when I notice that one plant has less spiders than the others, I relocate a few. :cheesygrinsmiley: I definitely don't mind a few webs when it means no nasty plant eaters.
i appriciate the role spiders play and killing all those damn bugs that eat plants and annoy you, but i hate walking through a big ass spider web when youre high as hell. nasty.
Has anybody used praying mantis in their garden? How were they?
Spiders are cool and all, those little feks are just !!EVERYWHERE!! lol. Now if snakes were gaurding my plant, sweet jebus i'd have to pack some firepower, I hate snakes lol.
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