Stem Rot at 3-4 weeks Veg stage....bad seeds or user error?!?!


New Member

Hello all!! I've been growing indoors using a hydro stealth cabinet and things have been good for the first year. This year I purchase 5 auto fems from Pyramid Seeds and started growing like normal. Each and every single plant died at the same growth point in the same exact way even when I switched from Hydro to Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. At 3-4 weeks into veg the plant would look awesome from top to bottom. The stem would simply rot at the point of soil line/grow cube. I notice that the plant would start leaning after its 3rd week in veg. Here's my question:
Is it something I'm doing wrong?? As stated I've grown before and never had this "ring of death/stem rot" issues at the same exact point. They only thing different about this grow and previous is the fact that I used Nirvana seeds in the past but this is the first time I've used Pyramid Seeds. The best way to describe my stem issue is it looks like a beaver sharpened it into a point. I've heard that over damping could be the cause but I'm using the exact same watering method and timing in soil and also watching my levels when using hydro. Any input would help....thanks!
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