Strengthening stems?


New Member
i am a week in to flower but started a week early,i tried to lollipop the plant this morning and the tip went a touch limp,is there anyway of strengthening really quick,and will it come back and sort its self out?????any help would be most love albertgrow123:cool:
I've stumbled upon this by accident by bending/training plants... you can almost crack the entire stem through & through and it will heal. This assumes decent recovery condition & no fungal issues in the room. It will actually heal to be the strongest part of the stem. Depending upon where on the stem, how severe & when it happens, it could stress your plant into abnormal leaf growth & hermi pods.

There is a technique called super cropping (there are two types of techniques that this word is applied to). I'm not talking about pinching or the like, but rather crushing/damaging your stems from the crown up to the tip every 3/4" or so. If this is done properly you can achieve a massive stalk that will support huge nugs. It actually works, but this is a rather advanced technique that requires "feel"- you need to know your babies to do this right.

BTW, that tip should perk up in a day or two. I've even cracked a main stem at wk 6, put a make-shift splint on it & healed it back to harvest at wk 9. It wasn't as big & didn't look as happy for a week, but it survived & didn't weaken the plant to fungal infections. I mean the weight of the main cola bent the stem in half (with full crease & all) mid-way through. Amazing, but it recovered & finished. Best brah!
cheers lads,gio you are a star my freind,just that my stems seemed weak at the top,bottoms aint to strong like the other one i have,but will splint it up tonight,think i will leave super cropping,bit nervous about that!!!!,but will keep you up to date,no panic just as yet,but gio post has given me extra confidence.cheers mate
the cannabis plant heals very good,i allways cut the top of the plant a few weeks before flowering my selfe,it reduces the hight and the plant make's two main stems(one time i cut a strawberry skunk 5 times,resulting in a very bushy plant with 32 tops ^^ ,need to grow longer but oh man wath a bush)but of course without cutting you'll get a tall and heavy main cola (my experience)had more luck this way then trying to break the stems a little to make them stronger and shorter(my buds looks like they don't want to get as nice and big when i break them as when i cut them)
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