Taking The War On Drugs To Another Level

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
While drug lords may be causing violence in Mexico, there are those in this country who'd love to bring the drug war to a fever pitch.

Lawmakers in at least eight states want to require drug testing at various levels as a condition to receiving public assistance. In at least two states, that public assistance includes receiving unemployment compensation.

Delegate Craig Blair, a Republican in West Virginia, is proposing the most comprehensive drug-testing program in the country. In addition to requiring drug testing for a number of welfare programs, he'd also require it for people seeking unemployment benefits.

A Florida state senator is also proposing a link between drug testing and unemployment benefits.

I emphasize unemployment benefits because in these economic hard times, a lot of people are going to be making trips to the unemployment office who have never sought such assistance before.

I also mention those benefits because it's a different program than other assistance programs.

Unemployment benefits are primarily paid for by an unemployment insurance program. Employers pay premiums into the unemployment assistance program based on their track record of laying off workers who later qualify for the benefits.

Other programs, such as food stamps and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, are generally funded by direct tax dollars.

One could make the argument that in some ways the unemployment premium is an indirect tax, but we'll save that argument for another day. I'll also save for another day the argument over the accuracy of many drug tests.

Our nation has had a war on drugs for decades. It's been going on, in one form or another, longer than the war on terrorism. We treat drug addiction as a crime rather than a health problem. We don't seem to mind shredding constitutional rights as a means of putting drug offenders behind bars.

The federal government and most states won't even legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

Now we have politicians in a couple of states wanting to deny people their unemployment insurance benefits because they test positive for drug use.

These are people who may have done absolutely nothing wrong at their jobs. The economy got bad. Businesses shut down or cut back and have to lay off their workers. When they go to sign up for their unemployment benefits, they're given a cup and told to provide a sample.

I'm not advocating drug abuse. I've seen what the abuse of drugs and alcohol can do to people. And I've seen how difficult it is for people who abuse drugs and alcohol to kick their addiction.

Now I'm seeing a different kind of abuse. It's an abuse by politicians who'd take advantage of poor economic times as a means of stepping up their idea of a war on drugs.

I hope we can do better at stopping this legislative abuse than the war on drugs has done in curtailing drug abuse.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Jacksonville Daily News
Author: Barry Smith
Copyright: 2009 Freedom Communications, Inc.
Contact: Contact Us : Jacksonville Daily News
Website: Taking the war on drugs to another level | drug, unemployment, benefits - Jacksonville Daily News
And this is the way they continue persecution of the populace. They get some little program they start as an "experimental" program just to get there fingers in the door then they bust the door down in a couple years. People have got to quit believing that the government is there to help them. Its not. And its only going to get worse in the next 4 years.
I'm tired of reading that the american voter has ultimate power over their own governance. We can't get 2 cents in on legalizing something that is publicly popular. I've decided the only way to enact change, since writing you congressman about decriminalizing does nothing, is to take the elected official's spot. Give it 4-8 years and you will see signs saying, "Elect James Crellin to the PA Senate, he will listen to your grievences and stand up for your rights."
It may seem odd but I don't find this a very bad idea, the people who cannot afford a viable life should not be spending their money, especially my money on a drug habit.

I believe if our ultimate goal is responsible use this doesn't much hinder it.
It may seem odd but I don't find this a very bad idea, the people who cannot afford a viable life should not be spending their money, especially my money on a drug habit.

I believe if our ultimate goal is responsible use this doesn't much hinder it.

The state wont test for alcohol and effective time frame of hard drugs is too short, and its not your tax money its the states. Understand that this is just the eliminate some of the states dept, it is not to promote safe spending and a healthy lifestyle. You are the type of person who does not understand the reasoning of politics, it is about money, and only money. I live in DC and work with the OUR government everyday and understand the only thing that matters to them is money. Men do things for three thing MONEY, POSITION, POWER if they have two of these they will be happy, legislating the people gives them it all. Politicians get money from kickbacks for earmarks, there position boosts their egos, and they have the ultimate power over the people. The people who are on unemployment were paying taxes just like you, and now they need a little bit of help and you want to invade their privacy? Ridicules.
It may seem odd but I don't find this a very bad idea, the people who cannot afford a viable life should not be spending their money, especially my money on a drug habit.

I believe if our ultimate goal is responsible use this doesn't much hinder it.
A lot of stress from being unemployed. Nothing wrong with smoking a little to take the edge off. Its either that or drink yourself stupid.
It may seem odd but I don't find this a very bad idea, the people who cannot afford a viable life should not be spending their money, especially my money on a drug habit.

I believe if our ultimate goal is responsible use this doesn't much hinder it.

Harsh! So if I worked for a company for 30 years, smoked a joint every night after work and get laid off, that makes me not responsible enough to receive my unemployment? You've got to be kidding.
They must sit around and think " How can we invade their privacy now?" and laugh. This is crazy! I can see testing for hard drugs like h#$roin and barbituates but marijuana? Come on, the next thing you know the government is going to say that you can't buy steak or shrimp if you are on unemployment or government assistance.
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