
Boil a ton of leaves in a lot of water, and then keep boiling the mixture down until you have a drinkable amount of water. The dosage totally depends on the potency of the leaves.

I have tried making tea before. It did not turn out the way I thought it would be, and it was really nasty.
I made tea by putting some stems and a little bit of buds in boiling water. than i poured all the shit into a clear water bottel and left it in the sun. i dont think i got high off it cuz i smoked a bowl but it tasted good.
LizardKing said:
I was wondering how to make tea with leaves?

If u r going to make tea with stems/leaves u shuld not use water if u want to get fucked up. You shuld use mike,Whole milk would be best becuz THC is not water saluable.

Lets roll a fatty :joint:
its fat saluable. . . thats why you wanna use whole milk, or cream. . . try making weed-whipped-cream. . . i just thought of that, put it on your pie. . . mmmmmm
yeah i agree wiht the last two post if u are tryin to make tea wiht just water.. aint going to work u need to cook the leaves in milk or something fatty. and what kinda leaves are u talkin about if u are talkin about fan leaves why even bother not much thc on them at all
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