The Angelicalist Movement and The Van Kush Family


Well-Known Member
I have now been around here on this Website for a Decade or more, and I have been Teaching Everyone about the Religious Exemption Process, and I more than anyone in America have done the most to further these Concepts. Being Religious Marijuana and the Court Citations, for example I am the Person who Brought in Mandamus and Cited Olsen from the 80s. I think the DEA and Everyone had forgotten him, but there he was on Twitter as @GanjaLaw still Filing Case in Des Moines.

I am Probably the most Advanced Religious Marijuana Speaker, or Advocate, in the 21st Century. There is Keith Stroupe and them, but what they are doing is not Religious, they are Trying to get Laws Changed in Congress, their Goal is to Change the Law, Our Goal is not to Change the Law, but to Provide a Narrow 1st Amendment Exemption for Religious Use, mostly Priestly, then Communion, then also Holidays. This would be the Narrow Use. Priests would use Regularly as we do, the Sadhus. Then the Congregation would be involved with Communion, like the Rastafarian Groundation and Other Ceremonies involving Marijuana and the Smoking Chalice, which is something like a Bong. Ours involves the Chillum, also like a Vape now in Modern Times.

We are the First People who were Petitioning the DEA about NON-DELTA-9-THC, that is our Focus, we were Talking to them about 4-OH-MiPT and 4-Aco-MiPT and -MeO-MiPT, and then also AMT, which all are not Cannabinoids at all, but we were also Petitioning the DEA about THCv, and Other Non-THC Cannabinoids. Which now, since 2018 (we were doing this before 2018) includes Delta 8, Delta 10, THC-O, etc. These now are all considered Hemp, and the DEA is even considering making Marijuana Schedule III which means that all Analogues would be Legal, which is Basically what the Hemp Law has done anyways, as long as the Analogue is Hemp Derived, it has to be made from a Taxable Hemp Extract, and then made into Delta 8 and Delta 10, etc.

This is kind of Business it might sound like, but it is the LAW, and the LAW for Religion can be Found in Title 42 of the USC Chapter 21B and 21C, and I suggest that You Spend Hours and Days Studying the Different Parts of those Laws, the Applications, the Definitions, etc. and the most Pertinent Part to our Discussion here is First "Any Exercise of Religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of Religious Belief" and "Least Restrictive Means". What the Law Actually says is that Government can not Burden Religion, unless they have a "Compelling Governmental Interest" that they can express in the Court, and then it has to Pass the Tests from Sherbert v. Verner, and Gonzales v. O Centro. If they have a Compelling Governmental Interest, they still must use the most Narrow Means of Accomplishing that, the Least Limiting Means. So in this Case, having Religious Marijuana Users Follow the Hemp Law, is a "Least Restrictive Mean" which actually brings together all the NON-THC Cannabinoids, and the Hemp Law, and the Religious Laws, and the Federal Court Case Law.

DEA Religious Exemption Process

DEA Administrative Law

Religious Marijuana is now Legal on the Federal Level

So now that I have given an Overview of the kind of History of the Van Kush Family on this Website and in relation to the DEA, and You can Delve Deeper by Getting into the Links Provided. Now we can continue on with this Thread, and I will use this Thread to get into the Angelicalist Movement, and will Provide more information about the #VanKushFamily. For example, we have 2 Tokens Created on the HIVE-Engine Blockchain and we are about to have a Token on the Polygon Blockchain. So we are not just Teaching People about the Religious Laws in America, and doing the Greatest Service out of anyone in America in this Field and Bringing Everyone to an understanding of what Religious Marijuana Really Means Legally. We are also Providing Blockchain Services, and will be getting into Various Other Industries. As we do this we will be getting into the Hemp and Gemstone Industries.
And important enough to be a 2nd Post, Everyone may Learn about Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin, the Godfather of Ecstasy, the Author of Pihkal and Tihkal, and they then assume that the entire Field is what it should be, a Remnant of his Philosophies, with the Spiritual Alchemy undertone, and Everyone knows about him. But no, that is not the Fact, that is not the Case, that is not how it is in the World we Live in.

Instead, there is a Small Segment of the DEA, Military, and High Level Non-Elected Government, who know about Dr. Sasha Shulgin, and there are a bunch of DRUG DEALERS for the most Part on the Market. A lot of it is no Better than Drug Dealing, as much as you are looking for Entheogens, and Empathogens, a lot of what is going on is Fentanyl Sales, and it was Cathinones to Benzos before it ever had to be, when there was 2C-I and 2C-E still, there was a Cathinone Market already Starting, the Benzo Market was already there, the Analogues I mean.

The Government is after those who would tinker with a Molecule, Changing 1 Atom in order to Circumvent Drug Laws, and it makes sense. They also do not Really Chase after the End Consumer, as long as the Police aren't finding the Substance on Dead Bodies and in Arrests and Everything, then they Naturally Start to get involved. And I just want to Point out that those who Learn about Dr. Sasha Shulgin may think that the World is Rosey, and that he is at the Center, and Everything Happened the Right way.

But he is ACTUALLY something very Special, and the Federal Government knows, there is actually a Discussion to be had, a "Hold on a Minute, this we need to Talk about" from what might be Otherwise considered a Government that doesn't know anything about any of this.

And Sasha Shulgin was an Amazing Person, that is the Point, and he actually did some Amazing Things. We all as a Species, can not forget what he did. And he Opened the Door for the Next 1,000 Years. Many People know about like Timothy Leary, and Hoffman and his Book about LSD called "My Problem Child". Sasha Shulgin said that Everything we are going through is "Growing Pains" and that we would come out the Other End a Better Society, with a Shamanic Ability and Everything.
And important enough to be a 2nd Post, Everyone may Learn about Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin, the Godfather of Ecstasy, the Author of Pihkal and Tihkal, and they then assume that the entire Field is what it should be, a Remnant of his Philosophies, with the Spiritual Alchemy undertone, and Everyone knows about him. But no, that is not the Fact, that is not the Case, that is not how it is in the World we Live in.

Instead, there is a Small Segment of the DEA, Military, and High Level Non-Elected Government, who know about Dr. Sasha Shulgin, and there are a bunch of DRUG DEALERS for the most Part on the Market. A lot of it is no Better than Drug Dealing, as much as you are looking for Entheogens, and Empathogens, a lot of what is going on is Fentanyl Sales, and it was Cathinones to Benzos before it ever had to be, when there was 2C-I and 2C-E still, there was a Cathinone Market already Starting, the Benzo Market was already there, the Analogues I mean.

The Government is after those who would tinker with a Molecule, Changing 1 Atom in order to Circumvent Drug Laws, and it makes sense. They also do not Really Chase after the End Consumer, as long as the Police aren't finding the Substance on Dead Bodies and in Arrests and Everything, then they Naturally Start to get involved. And I just want to Point out that those who Learn about Dr. Sasha Shulgin may think that the World is Rosey, and that he is at the Center, and Everything Happened the Right way.

But he is ACTUALLY something very Special, and the Federal Government knows, there is actually a Discussion to be had, a "Hold on a Minute, this we need to Talk about" from what might be Otherwise considered a Government that doesn't know anything about any of this.

And Sasha Shulgin was an Amazing Person, that is the Point, and he actually did some Amazing Things. We all as a Species, can not forget what he did. And he Opened the Door for the Next 1,000 Years. Many People know about like Timothy Leary, and Hoffman and his Book about LSD called "My Problem Child". Sasha Shulgin said that Everything we are going through is "Growing Pains" and that we would come out the Other End a Better Society, with a Shamanic Ability and Everything.
He should be remembered for his many years of service to the betterment of mankind. He was truly a genius who tried to make the world a better place. He was a hero to everyone. CL🍀
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