The things you think when you are high

I often think about actresses that i'd like to pro-create with(usually in a non-indulging manner)

And I always daydream of winning the lotto and creating the perfect growroom/greenhouse
The other night my roommate and I started talking about how we should join the army, to doing ROTC, to joining the reserves, straight to Halo. It was a sad conversation. I think of a lot of dumb ass ideas while I'm high and different places I want to hotbox and whatnot. Elevators and the McDonald's play place are the top of my list.
how would colonization work, anyway? How many of you think you could see yourselves leaving this planet for a life on Mars? It's not like I'm unhappy here! I'd love to go on a TRIP to Mars...but I'm pretty sure I'd like to come back home. Things like, you know, oceans and forests...I like them.

You mean we can't go to Mar's now?..................
Hmmmmm I was watching a show sat morning, this guy took his family to Mars for the weekend..
The Jetsons.
Pretty cool show! Check it out sometime!
Still to stoned to Quote Properly...
Screw Mars, and planetary colonies in general, orbital habitats are where its at. Google "Island Three orbital habitat," also known as an "O'Neil cylinder." These could have been built in the '70's. The problem with putting colonies on planets is the gravity well, it takes a LOT of energy to get anything off of a planet, even one as small as Mars, so you don't want to put anything down there if you don't have to. Fortunatly, most, if not all, of what we need can be mined from asteroids. Even water, the two most abundant substances in the universe being hydrogen and oxygen.

Sorry, nerded out there for a second.
The other day my friends and I had an extremely in-depth conversation about different kinds of bugs that could exist. My friend was sitting down, hugging his knees to his chest, and wobbling, making him a wobblebug. After it was discovered that he was a wobblebug... many different bugs came to life as we acted them out.
what will the radioactive fallout from the Japan reactors have on the west coast crops and out door grows?

First it was GODZILLA then MOTHERA then a whole plethora of mutated

creatures from Japan began showing up and now...OH MY GOD!!!!!!! THE

The buds are so big they have to use a corn harvester to pick them.

You never need a spark because it because it lights itself and is almost impossible to put out.

It also glows in the dark so you don't have to turn on the lights to find your stash.

You never have to worry about pests eating your grow.

Best of all....Nobody will ever ever mess with your garden!:morenutes:
what will the radioactive fallout from the Japan reactors have on the west coast crops and out door grows?

None, any radioactive fallout will have to cross the entire Pacific Ocean, and will in any case be diluted into nothingness by the rest of the atmosphere.

Your plants probably recieve more radioactive fallout from a nearby coal fired power plant in a week than they'll ever recieve from Fukishima.
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