Thrips, mites and now confusion


420 Member
Having some issues with my last remaining lady, harvested the rest a few weeks ago. The remaining lady is in early flower stage, probably around 40cm tall, was growing pretty well.. then got hit by a triple whammy, thrips, spider mites and white flies, I think it came from a mint plant I brought in to the house, I neemed that infected mofo, then covered it with canola/rapeseed oil and qurantined it, clean and green now. However, the little insect shits jumped to my lady and went to town, so I hand picked all the little shits that remained, neemed the lady and the soil and all was well for a few weeks, started getting a good amount of foliage going and then the weather turned very hot and the little shits started coming back.. except I can't see them, but I can see the thrip damage which is extensive, so I again neemed the lady, then did a canola/rapeseed bath, which kind of burned some of the leaf edges.. That was a few days ago, today I found some odd little bug in one of the early buds, no idea what it was, some sort of little fly, a single individual, squashed it, looked a bit like a white fly but pretty sure it was some random bug, so thinking it's unrelated to the previous issues. Now my plant is looking odd, leaves feel a bit strange too, though I'm guessing that's the canola/rapeseed coating.. I kinda feel like I'm loosing the plot, it seems I'm getting more thrip damage, but there are no thrips, and I keep finding little black dust like specs, which brush off with ease, and I'm thinking they are insect turds, but maybe it's just dust or some crap in the air. I spend about 20 minutes looking for intruders daily.. Not only that, but this lady is next to a cayene chilli, basil, rosemary, thyme and a lemon tree, and their all clean as can be, no bugs, no damage.. Are thrips active at night, hiding in soil by day? Not according to what I read, anything else it could be?

Appreciate any and all advice!

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