Thumbnails from gallery?


Well-Known Member
I have been religiously downloading my pictures into the gallery and then using the gallery imbed to add photos to threads. I find that I much prefer adding thumbnails to my threads instead of the full size gallery imbed. The only way I have found to use thumbnails is with the attach files button, which pulls the pics from my desktop. Is there any way to get thumbnails from the gallery? If not maybe add this feature?
Like this?

It is supposed to be an inline thumbnail of the actual image, and be a clickable link to the full-sized version. If it works... It's still kind of a pain in the arse. Hmm, I suppose I should use at least two images to see if this will work correctly.

And the second image should be positioned directly above this text.
Okay, yeah, it seems to work. What I did was type in some text (obviously), then use the "Gallery Embed" (camera icon) function to bring up my list of images. Then I right-clicked on one of the thumbnails, cancelled that pop-up, clicked on the "Insert Image" (I guess that's supposed to be a stylized photo icon) function, pasted the address to the actual thumbnail into the box...

Then I skipped to a new line, used the "Gallery Embed" function again, but this time I selected an image and added it to my post. Next, I used the "Preview" option in order to see that full-sized image in my post...

And then, I copied the address of that image, went back up to the message entry box and removed the actual image (NOT the thumbnail I inserted)...

Still not finished, yet. With ONE image :rolleyes: ...

Then I highlighted my thumnail image, used the "Insert Link" (looks like a pair of eyeglasses without the stems) function and, when that popup box appeared, pasted the actual image's link into the space provided...

And that's ONE image done, lol. I typed a bit more and then repeated the entire process for the second image.

I didn't even bother to try adding size (resolution) information for the thumbnails, but if this forum software is like every other forum software I've ever used, you should be able to add that, too, and resize your image thumbnails to some extent for personal preference.

Actually, now that I think about it, it wasn't "kind of" a pain in the @ss, it was the kind of RPITA that causes me to believe that I'll never again bother to create inline image thumbnails. I might be a little lazier than you, I guess. Or you might have a higher tolerance for activities that feel comparable to trying to make a really big hole in a brick wall... with one's own head. IDK. . . .
Wow. Thanks for going through all of that. I can do this with just a few clicks. I know that the forum strips the info associated with various pictures before adding them to the gallery, but I don't think there is anything attached to these that would infringe on my privacy.


I think this would be a good addition to the gallery function. Not sure if it can be done with this forum's software.
If you view the image in the gallery and scroll to the bottom there is an option to copy the code with a thumbnail like this:

That’s what I’ve been looking for! Thank you so much.
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