Time to try the high life


New Member
well this is a stab in the dark i guess
just lost my job have no place to call home anymore, and no family left.
im getting one last pay check of about 600 and thats it, and no jobs around

so i think iv decided ill get that check fill my gas tank and hit the road, Mendocino county hear i come!:welcome:

3,000 miles or so on $600 and a car that might not make it lol im loveng life, at least i have a boat load of camping gear and the will to try.

figure ill get there find some hole in the wall to work at washing dishes or something till i can make a buck and get an apartment... if any of you live out there maybe ill see you in a couple weeks, have one rolled for my arrival would ya lol...:passitleft:

my life sucks... wish me luck!!!! :helpsmilie:
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