Top new growth leaf tips yellowing a little

You do realize you can post a picture here that you have uploaded to the site right? It would make it much easier to get help if you post the picture with the question and give as much info about the plant as possible, feeding, watering, general info what you have been doing to the plant.
Hi am just putting pics up now am running a 1.2 by 1.2 by 2.0 with a 400w hps for veg but can be turned up to 600w for flower AV got 12 plants under it now and am useing canna terra pro plus for the medium AV added no nutreants as of yet and thay are about 3 weeks old
Not sure if it's lack of nutrients or thay got burnt coz I left the light to close or to much nutrients in the medium

Since you have already uploaded some pictures to the 420 site what you can do when posting a question, with regards to one of those pictures you can click on the lower left tab in the box where you are typing your question. If you look to the lower left bottom you will see a little tab that says "My Photos" click on that and you can install one of your pictures into any thread you either start or reply to.
Not sure if it's lack of nutrients or thay got burnt coz I left the light to close or to much nutrients in the medium

from what I could see it looks like they got a little close to the light and got damaged
Though I hate to give any kind of diagnosis with no basic information 1st.
Are they getting cross circulation in the grow area?
Did you raise the light any when you noticed this or are the lights still at the same elevation above the plants as they always have been?
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