Topping; More yeild or just redistributed weight?


Active Member
Can't make up my mind whether to just let my plant go untopped this time or not.

I've grown a handful of times just and I have grown topped and untopped. My heaviest yield so far was untopped.

I've heard people saying it doesn't increase weight, just redistributes it. Instead of a nice big cola you get 4 smaller ones. This seems to be consistent with my experiences so far.

Then I've heard people saying it does.

I needed my weed yesterday though and don't feel like waiting a week for it to recover from me snipping it. BUT if it does significantly increase weight then I might do it.

What do y'all think. Increase or just redistribute ?
It will increase yield but only in combination with a longer veg time...........
I believe that small amounts of stress (toping,pruning,fimming,ect) increases the strength and vitality of a plant, but at the cost of stunting it to a certain extent.
"What dont kill you, only makes you stronger"........
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