Unprepared For Clones


New Member
Yesterday a buddy said he knew what he was doing and that he would cut me some clones. After doing a little browsing i realized that my friend is quiet possibly a moron sadly. He made the cuts at a 45 and scored the bottoms and did make sure one node was under the soil. He used rootone powder in a bottle that i guess was very old because i cannot find another one with a label like it anywhere online. Any ways all the clones were put in solo cups with soil and a small amount of rooting hormone in the hole they were to be planted in. Any ways all of them are extremely wilted/droopy after about a day and a half now and I'm worried about there health. Because i wasn't expecting these i am using clear solo cups as humidity domes. My question is do YOU think these have a chance at survival, this is my first time messing around with clones so i have absolutely no clue what im doing except for what ive managed to find on the internet the last 6 hours or so.



I havent figured out how to insert pictures yet... Thanks for any informations you all may have, sorry if im posting in the wrong place.
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