USS Forrestal and McCain


New Member
I'm not sure where to put this but just so it's 420ed,
had hemp lines at one time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I took Naval ship board fire fighting, several times in my life.
This mornin' I found out that the subject of most US shipboard fire fighting videos and movies, the fire that killed over 150 POBs(people on board) on the carrier USS Forrestal,
was cuased by guess who? doin' guess what?

"McCain's most horrendous loss occurred in
1967 on the USS Forrestal. Well, not
horrendous for him. The starter motor switch
on the A4E Skyhawk allowed fuel to pool in
the engine. When the aircraft was "wet-started,"
an impressive flame would shoot from the tail.
It was one of the ways young hot-shots got
their jollies. Investigators and survivors
took the position that McCain deliberately
wet-started to harass the F4 pilot directly
behind him. The cook off launched an
M34 Zuni rocket that tore through the
Skyhawk's fuel tank, released a thousand
pound bomb, and ignited a fire that killed
the pilot plus 167 men. Before the tally
of dead and dying was complete, the son
and grandson of admirals had been
transferred to the USS Oriskany. "

I ask that if you know a Vet
that is thinking about voting for McCain
Please pass this info on to them.
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