Vintner's Low Ryder Pics

Well, thanks for the posotive note. I guess I can hope for better, but like I said, we'll see. I'll keep the thread updated w/harvest pics and weights.
My lowrider x blueberry f2 seeds came in.
My white skunk F1 seeds came with them.
They will be part of my grow next month.
I am stoked.



Well, today is day 49 or so. As you can see, they're still doing nicely. You can't see them too well, but there are lots of tan hairs. Even my 2 mediocure ones are starting to fill in a bit. Hope you enjoy the up-dated pics. The epsom salts idea seemed to work well. Thanks Carp! There are no more yellowing and dieing leaves.
No red hairs yet Carp. Just tan ones drying up. Should I be watching for red hairs? Wounder if HHW got any? Yep, one week from this Thurs is day 60, so we'll see.
Eldamari420: Thanks, but they're not as big as they look. I probably wont get much from those 4 plants. Not even an ounce total I'll bet.
yeah its starting to mature, getting ready to hit there peak.
the top will go and the bottom will follow if not it will mature at the same time as the bottom of the plant.
Looking good and right on track vin.I agree you will hit about a ounce i bet, my first lr grow i used flourals,and with 5 females i wasnt impresed at all, next time get maybe a 250 watt hps in there and you will double your weight.Start out veging under a mh or flourals until they show sex and start to flower,and then around day 20 or so switch to a hps,this will give you more females than males!with lr the red spectrum in a hps induces more males if you use it before they show sex.Or next time get some masterlow they wont get much biger than lr but they grow about a quarter too a half ounce per plant, and they are100% auto flower. are you going with 24 /7 or 18 hours of light?looking good.
Looks good. Keep it going.
new pics will be up today. I've been out of town for the last 4 days. I have my seeds locked away in my freezer, but I'm pretty sure I got the "master low". I've had the lights on 24/7 since germination. I've read up on a few things that you can do to get more females than males, and I could be wrong, but IMHO I think the sex of a seed is determined at pollination, and nothing we do will change that.
pics soon. Vin
Lots of pics today. Don't think they're quite ready yet, but very open to second oppinions LOL.





Day 60 is this Thurs. Enjoy
Thanks Endo: The only trouble I had durring the early stages of the grow was that I tried to be cool and put together my own soil mixture but never tested the ph. When I did check it, I found it to be around 8. The plants didn't seems to suffer too much except for maybe growing a bit slow untill I got that problem fixed around week 2 or 3. I had some trouble w/some leaf yellowing a couple of weeks ago, but epsom salts helped w/that. Even though it's been an all fluoro grow, I'm pleased w/the results so far. still got a coulple weeks for harvest though I think. I'll keep the pics posted as I get closer. This being my first grow, I would like a couple other opinions before I harvest. Even though the pics don't do them much justice. there are a lot more brown hairs than you can see on the pics, and that one plant is nice and frosty w/tricomes. Thanks again.
Hey, thanks Endo & Droppony, that helps a lot. Salt water ratio? Just used what it said on the package for house plants.
Lookin nice vint, I'll be getting a grow soon about the size of this one probably [only 3-4 plants]. If you've got any tips for a noob that you ran into let me know. Thanks man. :peace:
Thanks Carp and Corporaten45: I'm a newbie too. Will this be your first grow? It's good that you're looking for advice before you start. The best advice I can give is to educate yourself as much as possible before you start your grow. There is a world of knowledge to be found on this forum. Just start reading. The grow journals are great learning tools, but for text book style info. you can go to the last page of the "general cannabis cultivation" section of the forum. Read the very last post on that page, and another called "the joy of growing" on that same page. They are both very long, but very informative. Then, if you have any questions bring them to Carp, Urdedpal NoDirtWeed4Me, or Paralized420. They're all great growers w/a lot of experience and love to help out newbies like us who they know have done thier homework. Hope that helps. Good luck w/your grow man. Keep us informed. Everyone who comes here loves to talk and hear about other peoples grows.
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