Wall Storage


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if people have tricks for having fans and hygrometers and things supported in a tent.
I've hung fans from strings tied to the tent roof supports before because there's nothing to attach them to in the small space. This grow, I want to put a 4" hi-speed duct fan venting out of a port high on the tent. The only way that I can think to support this fan is to build a wooden "L" that sits on the roof, and hangs down past where I need the support, then cutting a hole to put the fan thru and mount to the wood from outside. It would be great if I could make or buy little shelves that grab the tent support poles to lock them where I want, then sit a small fan or meter on it, but I know of no way to make this happen.
How do you guys make use of vertical space in your tents?
not sure the size of your tent pole diameter but these will work (they make 2 sizes)

Simply snap onto the side tent pole (both sides ) cut pvc length as needed to
create a long center bar across the side. You may need a hose clamp to keep
it from sliding down

Once in place you can clip fans onto the long side length, If using the wing nut hose clamps
the support is easily moved up and down with just a quick loosen and retighten


Not sure your location but the Wing nut hose clamps I could only find at HARBOR FRIGHT
The tees can be found at most home improvement big box stores, They sometimes have
the stock in 2 places since the larger tees are PVC and the smaller size are CPVC you may
have to ask were the CPVC is located

Oh at the box stores the Snap tees are approx 1.50 each

That's what I use for mounting to tubing
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