watering..out of town


Well-Known Member
ive been away from my plants for 4 days now and i usually water every 2 or 3 days... i watered them the day i left and will be able to water them tommorow...but now i am worried about them...

think the will be alright??
Have you ever just let them go to see how long they can actually go between watering before they wilt? Without knowing this its hard to say what state they will be in when you get back. If they wilt they can survive fine for I believe up to 24 hours or so without ill effects as long as you water right away when you get back.

What I have done to get through situations like this is 1: Add a silica supplement to your nute regime like Pro-Tekt since it helps your plant through extreme conditions like heat drought etc by strengthening the cell walls. I have found it helps. 2: if you know you are going to miss the next feed/water by a day or so and most likely into the wilt zone then go against standard practice and let the very bottom of the pot sit in some water/nute solution. Only enough that it will get sucked up with in a day or 2 tops. Only you know how much this is since every plant/pot will suck water up at a different rate. I have done this without ill effect and my plants were not wilting when I got back as they would have been if I had not done this. Hope this helps you going forward.
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