Weird, Wonky, or Worthless?


New Member
This plant has been through an under-watering and lack of oxygen deficiency (I used the wrong soil like a dummy). I made evasive maneuvers around death and have saved her, but some of the leaves don't look like they'll ever fully recover. I'm 3 weeks into flowering and it showed improvements about a week and a half ago and brought all its leaves up towards the light. Leading me to believe I've saved it. But now it's little buds are growing VERY SLOW. The lighting looks dim from my phone but I promise it's very bright in there.
Your thoughts my friends???
plant may need to be watered more often
plant may need more water at a time
plant may have overgrown its pot and need to be transplanted

It can be difficult to diagnose chronic underwatering because problems may look like nutrient deficiencies. One big clue is that plants perk up every time after you water.
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