What is this fabulous lady, and is she ready


420 Member
I germinated several random seeds last winter, and two of them were very different from the rest. Their sugar leaves were sparse, but huge, foliage was open, and stayed open as the continued to grow under lights. Trimming trained 6 main stems, sharing the lead. They went outside June 1 after the frost was assuredly gone, and they grew more slowly then the other denser, bushier plants, but they began developing seedpods very early in their life.

Now they have colas almost the entire length of the branch, packed with seedpods, with pistils starting to brown and die at the top of the branch, but remaining green lower down on the same branch. I have found and saved about a dozen of her seeds, likely pollenated by a male somewhere in the neighborhood. I culled my males very early on.


I am tempted to harvest the top colas and leave the lower ones to ripen a little more.
Part of my thinking is that I will be away for the next two weeks, and I don't want to lose this entire plant in case it rains and moulds...
So, Is topping now a good idea?


Your impressions please!
I dont see a lot of white pistils, but under magnification, I see shiny, transparent trichrome stalks, but very few of them have spheres on the end. Does this mean they are immature?
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