What size grow room to build


New Member
I am looking for some input on what type and size of room to build. I would like to have a minium of 10 plants . I have plenty of room to build one. or can anyone give me some feedback on the prebuilt one that are available. I have seen some that come complete with everything lights, fans, co2, etc. totally inclosed cabinets. That is the way I am leaning towards now, againg I am not sure if the size will work. I was think a 4' x 4' x 7. Just not quite sure with way to go,Will i get a lot more out of my money to build the room verses buying a complete set up? I have never grown indoors before only outdoors. Thanks!
4x4x7 will not grow 10 plants, not 10 worth talking about anyways. I dont know what kind of yeild your trying to get per plant so i cant judge what kind of space your talking, but what i can tell you is that pre built is cool and it does everything but is really really over priced. Making your own gets you more envolved and helps you appricate what you acclompish alot more.
Thanks for the reply, if i decide to build the room the area is 12x5. long and narrow. home many plants would that size do? should the room be split in half for veg and flower? I have a seperate area where I have my clones. I am more concerened with quality than quanity. Thanks again....
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