What year do you think the U.S. will finally legalize cannabis?


New Member
I know nobody knows the true answer to these questions yet, but I was just wondering what you guys think. Do you think it will ever be completely legalized or just used as medicial marijuana? I know in some states (I think 13 of them) have legalized medicial cannabis, but when will all the states realize its benifits?

What I think: I don't think marijuana will ever be COMPLETELY legalized. Although in the past 10 years I think there has been much progress made about the word getting out there of the benifits of cannabis and people are finally starting to realize and be more open about it.

I think that it will be a slow process, but I see it being legal as a medicine in 20 years or so.
One can only hope. Keep hope alive with love, and freedom. It cannot be too soon to really get this freedom.
I love the officers who truly love human lives and take care not to destroy lives over the law.
The ones who truly love justice, and peace.

When I first started my Cannabis research Feb of this year, I learned about LEAP.
I was listening to a story of an undercover guy who switched sides and what he said really hit home with me.
He said. "I liked the people I was putting away more than the people I was working with." He said he liked us better than his cop buds!
Cannabis People are Good People. Maybe they are finally starting to understand.
Look for the good!!:roorrip::passitleft:
I found it very interesting that the numbers
for the Obama health care package is 63 billion(cost to taxpayers).

That is the number of the current
(they are a few years(3, last time I looked) behind current)
Cannabis crop estimated harvests in the US. each year,
And!!! what they send to keep it from gettin' to the consumer.

True Freedom, in times Like These, Lives in Our Hearts!!!
Free the Cannabis, Save the World!!!
About when good looking chicks find it fashionable to make it with Geezers!
About when this country wises up to the rigged voting system.
About when a flock of diuretic pigeons strafe the White House.
About when this country learns that health care for all is a right and not something for big shots to profit from.
About when we all learn that lobbyists are only about graft and corruption.
About when the Supremo's learn that the welfare of the people is more important than property or wealth.
About when good looking chicks find it fashionable to make it with Geezers!
About when this country wises up to the rigged voting system.
About when a flock of diuretic pigeons strafe the White House.
About when this country learns that health care for all is a right and not something for big shots to profit from.
About when we all learn that lobbyists are only about graft and corruption.
About when the Supremo's learn that the welfare of the people is more important than property or wealth.
I think your "about right" lol
About when good looking chicks find it fashionable to make it with Geezers!
About when this country wises up to the rigged voting system.
About when a flock of diuretic pigeons strafe the White House.
About when this country learns that health care for all is a right and not something for big shots to profit from.
About when we all learn that lobbyists are only about graft and corruption.
About when the Supremo's learn that the welfare of the people is more important than property or wealth.

sounds ABOUT right!!

altho i'd like to see it happen much sooner.......:bong:
I can say NOW to,BUT that didn't seem to work for the rest of us.All kidding aside I have looked at this debate for 35+ yrs.The Chrildren issues are the biggest hurtle we MUST solve or it will never come in our lifetime,(Control) A terrable word but needed.
That's a BS reason they throw at the Public.

They(other counties) have found underage use to fall with legalization.

The worse thang is,
Prohibition has just made adult credibility less in the eyes of the Children.

Tough to say you were wrong,
specially 70+ years and billions of Wrong.
WhatEver,that BS reason seems to be working pretty F good. I was there when the verry first decriminalasation vote tried to make it on the ballot in California many yrs. ago,my hopes were up then and now here we are 40 yrs.later,Same hurtle,under age chrildren will get it LOOKOUT,you May be right but it still must be addressed to there satisfaction
agree with chancedebris , IT will take a lot to convert ppl. I used to suscribe to the ignorant nonsense about marijuana until my girlfriend exposed me to it. I do feel that legalization is possible on a state by state case but again this is going to take considerable amounts of effort
when the ignorant open their eyes and mind and actually do research instead of just agreeing with all the negative bullshit that people put out there to justify the prosecution of innocent people.
If we get a dem pres to go along with a dem controlled house and things start getting done, i can envision it in 5-6 years. It's already legal at state level, but the fed needs to be put in its place. The constitution protects a states right to soverignty and to make and enforce it's own laws.
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