When isn't it OK to get high.....?

i dont know about everyone else but if i died tommorrow i would wnat every single person at ym funeral to be stoned..i would wnat it to be more of a celebration of my life...in some cases it is inapproperiate like family members but for friends..it depends on the person who died.
I smoke always. I find that at my lowest possible level of functioning I can still work hard faster and better than more than half of the idiots I've ever worked with. My father ran his construction buisness single handedly while smoking all the time. If someone ever tries to tell him that smoking weed makes you stupid or unmotivated he replies with his first hand experience. it's hard to dispute the truth. As a lifeguard I had to keep a watchful eye and respond at a seconds notice. I took my performance tests stoned and I scored the highest out of all the other guards. When I'm high and trying to hide it it's extremely hard to tell. I find its actually easier to deal with customers when I'm stoned. I can make a connection much faster.

A funeral is a great time to smoke. Especially when youre celebrating weed as a huge part of the deceased's life. When my uncle died a few months ago all the smokers in my family went to my aunt's and baked the entire place before the second half of calling hours. She slipped a joint and a lighter in his pocket before we went to the cemetary. I hope someone does that for me when I kick the bucket. Funerals are supposed to be a celebration of life anyhow.

Edit: I just wrote a fucking essay. To sum this up: I can't think of a bad time to get stoned. It was that easy to begin with. hahaha :bong:
:bongrip: I agree safety first, one should be responsible when they smoke remember it's a DUI and Under the controll of an illegal substance. :bong: Other than that. Smoke in Good Health Brothers and Sisters.:bongrip:
I once tried to repair an Akai reel-to-reel tape deck while I was smoked up. I was about a half-hour into it, when I heard a "ping" and something rolling on the wood floor. Never did find out what it was, and never did fix the problem I was working on. That deck cost me $350, too. If you're going to fix stuff, be straight, have the manual with you, and go slow.
Going To Court High Is Bad Had A Freind Who Did It They Fuck With Him For Years Because O It
dont smoke if you're pregnant! cant believe nobody mentioned that one.. i guess its cuz most of you are guys anyway. but if your gf is pregnant you shouldnt really smoke in front of her, or maybe you could quit too to give her some more encouragement. yeah and dont go to court high either lol.
and i never visit my grandma while high. i dont know what it is about grandmas, but it seems like they always know when somebody is high.....
i always go to work high. except when i first started working there, bc i didnt kno what i was doing. i have the easiest job in the world, and i actually find that im nicer to everyone when im high. it might just be me bc im cranky when i dont smoke.

i wouldnt smoke if i was pregnant, or if i was going to a job interview or something of the sort. other than that i can smoke whenever and it doesnt stop me from functioning normally.
Dunlap said:
My plan is to put into my will that I don't want a funeral, or a wake, or whatever the hell part of dying that costs money, and just take whatever money I have and throw the biggest party imaginable. Thats how I want to be remembered, not a box getting lowered into the ground.

hahaha hell yeah man thats the way to do it.
Just remeber to invite me.. haha :allgood:
4iLLEsT2bTCH0 said:
i always go to work high. except when i first started working there, bc i didnt kno what i was doing. i have the easiest job in the world, and i actually find that im nicer to everyone when im high. it might just be me bc im cranky when i dont smoke.

heh yea i love coming to work blazed. Then again my work consists of a part time job so i can get out of school and then playing poker full time. I just feel a little bit better when i can say i get high in order to pay for my next high :Rasta:
i would think it isnt ok to get high when... well... :hmmmm: ... damn i cant think of any :laughtwo: i guess the funeral thing i wouldent
At work. If my employees smoke, cool. If they show up at work blazed, unable to deal with customers or work on the hardware, they are fired.

I am very understanding but you have to draw the line. You have to take responsibility. My employers expect the same of me.

i wana work for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really? I would if I went to church. . . and I do when I chant or do daimoko. . . I have never felt disconnected while stoned. . . just the opposite most times. . . As far as work is concerned. . . well I do and have for a long time. . . My employees. . .well. . .if they can do the job without out screwin up or pissin' me off. . . then we're good. . . :peace:
I don't think you should smoke when you are so horny the crack of dawn is at risk.
I was having a brief spell from my partner and was out and about, blazed to the gills, just chilling. I pulled this chick who was a right sort for 54. We drank a bit, had a bit of a snog.
After a while, she asked me if I had ever experienced "the sportsmans double", a mother and daughter threesome.
I said no, nearly busting out of my pants.
We drank a bit more, then she told me tonight was my lucky night.
We went back to her place and she put the hall light on and yelled upstairs,
"Mum, are you still awake?"

Blazing CAN impair your judgement at critical times.
I don't think you should smoke when you are so horny the crack of dawn is at risk.
I was having a brief spell from my partner and was out and about, blazed to the gills, just chilling. I pulled this chick who was a right sort for 54. We drank a bit, had a bit of a snog.
After a while, she asked me if I had ever experienced "the sportsmans double", a mother and daughter threesome.
I said no, nearly busting out of my pants.
We drank a bit more, then she told me tonight was my lucky night.
We went back to her place and she put the hall light on and yelled upstairs,
"Mum, are you still awake?"

Blazing CAN impair your judgement at critical times.

Dude, this HAS to be a joke..cause i almost pissed myself :laughtwo: ....

its not ok to go to court high, although ive done it i always felt like the judge and everyone knew i was totaly stoned. Going to church high is ok though I mean GOD DID CREATRE IT. Going to your grandmas isnt chill when your stoned...because she fuckin knows..i swear they all damn know...whether they say so or not THEY KNOW!!
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