When to jar and couple other questions


Well-Known Member
Hi so I cut my cannabis on Sunday and I am not really sure when to jar them ? They are kinda crispy outside. Also I read somewhere the jars have to be 2/3 full is it important ? Or can I have only 1/10 jar filled with buds ? Also last question for the first time I dried weed without trimming and I already see dry trimm will be pain in the bum, do I really have to trimm them before jarring ? All of that weed in couple of months will be going for oil anyway
Every grower has their own style, many ways to skin a cat. It’s cosmetic issue, many folks want that perfect well trimmed bud, others don’t care so much.

If / when I trim I use 2 bins. First bin is for crispy & burnt up fan leaves and sugar leaves plus lower popcorn buds; all of this goes for cobs plus I toss a few top buds in to help with potency. The second bin is for premium buds for rso or smoke. My trim style is rough, hack off the burnt leaves, fans & petioles, get ‘er done.

Remove larger stems as they retain moisture, the Jars do not have to be full. If you just cut on Sunday it may still be too early for jars.

It helps to have a mini hygrometer in each jar so you can see temp & humidity level without opening the jars. The natural tendency for a clump of wet vegetative material stuffed into a closed jar is to mold or rot. Without hygrometer you are kinda pissing in a fan, a little relief but blowback is nasty.

If you are able to then buy the mini-hygros, in the meantime smell check your jars often, if you detect ammonia then pump the brakes more air is needed.

You should look at low & slow too for part of your harvest, have you read that before? You could split it up... do half in jars and half done low & slow in fridge, then you gain insight later on after cure is done. Taste, smell, sticky factor etc. It’s a big thread but first page or two will get you started.

Low & Slow
Every grower has their own style, many ways to skin a cat. It’s cosmetic issue, many folks want that perfect well trimmed bud, others don’t care so much.

If / when I trim I use 2 bins. First bin is for crispy & burnt up fan leaves and sugar leaves plus lower popcorn buds; all of this goes for cobs plus I toss a few top buds in to help with potency. The second bin is for premium buds for rso or smoke. My trim style is rough, hack off the burnt leaves, fans & petioles, get ‘er done.

Remove larger stems as they retain moisture, the Jars do not have to be full. If you just cut on Sunday it may still be too early for jars.

It helps to have a mini hygrometer in each jar so you can see temp & humidity level without opening the jars. The natural tendency for a clump of wet vegetative material stuffed into a closed jar is to mold or rot. Without hygrometer you are kinda pissing in a fan, a little relief but blowback is nasty.

If you are able to then buy the mini-hygros, in the meantime smell check your jars often, if you detect ammonia then pump the brakes more air is needed.

You should look at low & slow too for part of your harvest, have you read that before? You could split it up... do half in jars and half done low & slow in fridge, then you gain insight later on after cure is done. Taste, smell, sticky factor etc. It’s a big thread but first page or two will get you started.

Low & Slow
Thanks alot buddy appreciate it alot I will have defenetly a look :)
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