When to turn flip light to 12/12?


Active Member
Hey guys,

I have topped at first my plants, then gave them some LST. Now they are 7 weeks old I have lollipopped them already. My question is shall I give them more time, will they grow more or shall I flip? Strains: Gorilla skitlez and Blue gelato 41 FEM
Pot size: 15lt
They usually double in size once you flip, so if you have the room. Most people flip at 5 weeks but if you want a bigger plants you can wait 7 to 8 weeks depending on the size of your grow space.
When i've cut to create multiple tops, I like to set the ladies up for a topping just before I flip. I've found if i FiM/final cut to give them a few days and then switch to 12/12. Gives them a minute to heal but not enough to decide who is number 1 yet!! This is strain dependent but most of the time you can get all the main hormones to be distributed equally/may have to bend a head here and there. Peace!!
When to flip is a choice with many variables! Headroom being the most important, but so is lateral space (room to supercrop outward if they get too tall?), how soon you need the harvest, and pot size (if you don't have room to transplant to a larger size). A 15L pot (4 gallons US) will get root bound if you let it veg too long.

So many things to consider!
Thank you
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