White discoloration on leaves


420 Member
Hey everyone! First time grower here, i have a outdoor greenhouse where i have several baby cannabis plants starting and a few days ago i received a few clones! Im so excited, finally being in a state that allows legal growing! I look forward to sharing my journey with y'all if your interested, and hopefully pick up some tips and tricks from the vets to make this harvest and the next a good one! This morning as i was watering my garden i noticed one of the new clones has this white discoloration on a few of the leaves, and they are much more dry and fragile than the others. What is a likely cause of this? I just tested the soil ph (6.5-7.5) range and the ph of our water is 7.0-7.5 for reference.



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I havn't fed them anything but my friend who gave me this plant used a combination of bonemeal and alpaca manure and some sort of organic soil, the basic ph soil test i bought was reading between 6.5 and 7.0. The stick was there when i received the plant, but we did have a nasty hail storm last week and they have been outside plants, the other one i have has minor leaf damage cause it wasn't put under cover fast enough. He is not root bound. But there has been an elevation change of about 1000ft and here in Northern California we are really feeling summer kick in this week, so im thinking its most sunburnt.
Your soil pH is perfect, not a thing you need to do with it. The pH of your water is high, and it may be locking out the nutrients that are still available in that soil. I also suspect that you water too often, before the soil is dry all the way to the bottom, and that this is what has been contributing to slow growth. What kind of water have you been using on this organic soil that has been enhanced a bit, and what do you plan to feed her when this soil gives out and cant supply the needs of flowering?
You didn't properly harden off your clones, you essentially gave your plant a sunburn. Start with just an hour of morning sun, then move to a shaded area. Gradually increase time in the sun and try to avoid putting them out in the middle of the day as the sun can be brutal on young clones. It should take around a week to fully harden them off.
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