White House Office of National Drug Control Policy


New Member
Having just read the article about the drug czar email, I was curious as to whether you could read the full version on their actual website. Atfirst I couldn't find it, and I got distracted by some things that I noticed. On their list of drugs on their drug fact sheet page, neither alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine were present. As a matter of fact, there was absolutely no information on the harms of alcohol or tobacco at all. Now I know this makes sense because alcohol and tobacco are legal and the government makes cash off of it. However, this being the case one might make this parallel: The government describes drug production and trade as a violent industry made up of terrorists. Despite the fact that they aren't listed, alcohol and tobacco are drugs, and tobacco along with cotton, are the two cash crops that built this country. And, who was responsible for the actual field work, but violently acquired human slaves. Ergo, our government is a terrorist organization. I would like to say that this is a joke, but its not. And the worst part of this situation is that it can be very difficult to see all the other things our government lies to us about, and the impacts that these things will have in the future. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that I would rather live here than 97% of the rest of the world. I enjoy making money, and our government isn't all bad. But, I feel as if America has slipped into a false sense of security that not only are we infallible, but that our government has our best interests at hand all the time (because as much as I hate him, even Bush has his moments, trying to preserve some part of this country so he can go home at the end of the year!) I don't claim to have seen these trends before anyone else, I guess when I look at this stuff, it just reminds me to be vigilent, and makes me wonder why more people don't say "What the fuck?"
Alot of people do say what the fuck but its not that easy id say. Plenty of people protest this war and the way our government has become. Its just people really cant do much or they dont care to. I personaly have given up on any idea of patriotism i see no point in putting country in front of myself when the countries priorities are so fucked. Its just a real ugly mess. Its all human nature im not an anarchist because that wouldnt work under any circumstances it would just level us to animals even more so then we are. Survival of the fitest i guess. Im no expert on the current affairs but i know how you feel. It is pretty fucked up.
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