White widow


New Member
white widow definately takes the cake in choices for weed. my self i have never smoked it but ive heard a lot of good things about it.

im in love with this woman called maryjane....are you??
White Widow,
She is not a killer,She is a ass whooper...!
They are both w/w.....
Thanks KingPhilie
White Widow is pretty damn sweet. I like. Snow White, now that is nice shit. White Rhino too. Well, the whole WHITE strain is kickass :allgood:

Snow White

White Rhino
i just had some white widow and i got knoked on ym ass buy it thats for sure
hey wha up, my bad about b4 post. i would have 2 agree wit rastoner, i jus smoked some purple my boy jus got...its def somethin that will amaze you..well im flyiin sumwhere so Happy Blazins! :Rasta:
White widow is the shit, so is white rhino, super silver haze, and snow white. whos tried snow white? i love it, makes me go right to sleep. Sour Diesel is the best shit by far i've smoked, I thought it was laced it was so damn good.
Haha, i've only had the opportunity to try trainwreck and ice so far. Not a whole lot comes through here other than some generic KB and schwag, so I pick up bud in oregon, colo, ect.
G 13 is fuckin amazing man
4DeuceZero said:
but its made its way to the philly area...lookout for it if you havent got a hold of it already.

My friend from jersey came down and I got him a quarter of this "White Widow"

The shit was amazing. He was happy as hell too, cause where he comes from, all he can buy is regs.
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