Who's tokin?

Im downstairs playing GH5 because my bro's XBox360 wont read GH:WT. The setlist sucks for the most part (especially compared to GH:Metallica) so the only way to still enjoy myself is to endlessly play Peter Frampton's Live version of Do You Feel Like We Do and Rammstein's Du Hast while baked off my mind on some AK's... Rock on, y'all
It is snowing here in the ATL. The radio says that everybody should stay home. Oh well, that means it's time to put on a pot of soup, fill a bowl, and toke on.
In a study room in my dorm, catching up on some homework, and vaping a fresh bowl of some fruity sativa I picked up earlier. Kind of a shitty day so far, but for some reason I can't seem to care ;)
Ordered myself a WeedStar Inline earlier, finally some free time to smoke a celebratory bowl! Cant wait for my new bong!

P.S., not to hijack, just wondering. Site says the bong is 18.8mm joint size, will a 19mm bowl fit on that?
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