Why did You start?

Wow seriously, nice story Deede!
Personally, i have no inspirational story... I started basically to get the most out of life... to get the most out of the music i was listening to... my thoughts... my sight...
Stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia.
Everybody that was anybody was doing it back then, and one day I was turned on. I tried it, and it was great; I loved it! Besides, my cousin grew his own, and kept me in the mix.

The rest is history . . .
honestly Like i said in another post I started because it was like 3 days after 9/11... not to celebrate of course but it was just like at the time I thought we might be getting into a big nuclear war or some shit so I wanted to try it before I died lol... OF course , fortunately that didnt happen *knock on wood*- -
i started smoking pot bc my best friend smoked pot and he would always smoke it with me. i never paid for it because i never liked it for the longest time. after smoking it a few times i got stoned and since then ive smoking because it gets me high.
i started because I don't like to drink and needed a way to relax and enjoy myself. I was also quite curious. The fact that weed is safer than alcohol , and knowing many potsmokers, I relized that in general they are quite responsible.
I started through curiosity and, i had found out a couple of yrs b4 that my smoked weed, n i was interested to see what being high was like and i got given the chance from a friend in the year above me at school invited me out for a session with his mate, coughed my tits of, but i enjoyed the calming effect. Since then i began to smoked every other weekend, then every weekend, now its most days, possibly a time to cut down....?
In first grade my teacher asked what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I wanted to be a pilot so I can fly high.Well I got the high part down.
lol good one urdedpal

my first time was summer when I was younger and at first it was fun but i wasnt into it and didnt smoke much but since then i have smoked

it goes up and down how much i blaze
i started because i really just wanted to just to see how it was of course everyone was like omg bro u gonna start hearing shit and your not even gonna be walking straight which kinda scared me because i really didnt want to be fuked up. then i did it and i didnt feel shit except for a light head then i actually got some good shit and after that i fell in love lol.
A girl I was in the musical who was older invited me out with the other girls, and we went to her convertable in the parking lot (probably not the smartest idea, but it was fun and sunny out). Anyway, I figured we were going to drink, but she asked if I'd ever smoked pot and I said no, but I've always wanted to try, and she pulled out a fat j and said "you start it since it's your birthday" I didn't get too stoned, which was good since I had to dance right after that. And I just kept smoking from there because I loved it. It was no big deal to start-it's like it was just time. I found out later my mom smoked all the time when I was little which is maybe why I was so relaxed about it-I was used to the smell. Anyway, it's been almost 6 years, and I've stopped here and there, and it's just not who I am to not smoke. It's part of me, and always will be.
I was always a little curious about drugs and alcohol, and I knew a few kids who smoked weed. I was 14, and one night, my dad and I were in the backyard talking, and he was smoking (what I thought was a cigarette) and suddenly he says, "here, take a drag" I said, "what is it?" he said, "it's weed" and I said, "cool, sure" And that's how it all began... good times, very good memories
I know I started from curiosity but I think my friend's death had something to do with it.
I had all these bud hookups and I never began using them until he died.
That can't just be a coincidence...
i started because i wanted to be cool... lol jk. because my best friend wanted to try it so i did too, hadn't even thought to try it before but im glad i did, i didnt even know shit about it except my parents would be mad and the big kids who had a tree house in the park smoke up there... we ended up smoking with them alot lol and never talked to them before, good guys
peer pressure. lol.

i used to be straight-edge and i hated pot. but then i kinda opened up my mind about it. i thought im being straight-edge because i disagree with the addictions that thing can give me. but then realized if you CANT do it without getting hooked then really it consumes you.

but... i tried it and got hooked. so my theory didnt work..

i dont see anything wrong with blazing anymore. and actually i think i could stop at anytime... but why waste the time?
I'm native american so its like in my genes to cheef on the peace pipe
i started after i went through a rough break up with my girlfriend and was always depressed i started doing cola but then was saved by bud it made me happy and got me off the cola. so actually bud has saved my life, im not depressed any more i dont get angry , im a changed man i love it :bong:
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