Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization?

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
When President Obama asked Americans to submit questions to the White House, 228,009 people responded. Submitting a total of 133,215 questions and 1,630,632 votes before midnight on Sunday, this question from retired LAPD deputy chief Stephen Downing came in first place for all video questions.

Downing asks the President about marijuana legalization from the point of view of a former law enforcement officer. A transcript of the video follows:

"Mr. President, my name is Stephen Downing, and I'm a retired deputy chief of police from the Los Angeles Police Department. From my decades of law enforcement experience I have come to see our country's drug policies as a failure and a complete waste of criminal justice resources. According to the Gallup Poll, the number of Americans who support legalizing and regulating marijuana now outnumber those who support continuing prohibition. What do you say to this growing voter constituency that wants more changes to drug policy than you have delivered in your first term?"

Downing is a board member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, or LEAP. The organization gathers members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities to take a stand against what LEAP claims is the "failure" of federal drug policies -- laws that only worsen violence and addiction problems. A press release from LEAP points to the Gallup poll that Downing cites, which claims that 50 percent of Americans favor legalizing marijuana.

As The Atlantic points out, several of the most popular questions (whether video or text) have to do with either the legalization of marijuana or the war on drugs. Of the top 5 questions that the White House youtube account displays on the first page, 3 of them have to do with marijuana.

User cam2011cam from California writes, "Dear Obama, Youtube deleted NORML's question that was asked to you. So I'm going to repost it. Please respond. 'Pres. Obama, what is inappropriate about saving billions and not arresting nonviolent american citizens for marijuana? #WHChat @WhiteHouse.' " This question came in third place overall.

This question, which came in fifth, asks, "With over 850,000 Americans arrested in 2010, on marijuana charges alone, and tens of billions of tax dollars being spent locking up marijuana users, isn't it time to regulate and tax marijuana? Alcohol/Tobacco are 5,000x more dangerous. Wake up!"

It's not the first time that LEAP has organized its members around the White House's "Interview With The President" campaign. In 2011, another LEAP submission was voted the top question, and President Obama responded with this video.

"Your Interview With The President" came and went without a single reference to any of the top-voted questions on marijuana legalization. Instead, most of the 50-minute virtual interview was dominated by economic issues. Americans asked the President about a mandated living wage, H1B visas (visas for highly-skilled foreign workers), the long-term viability of the U.S. auto industry, federal policy on small businesses, veteran homelessness, help with paying back student loans and how to explain the faltering economy to children.

President Obama did, however, manage to address a hot-button issue: how the Department of Justice should walk the line between internet piracy and free speech for internet users. According to Obama, both sides "need to come together and work with us to create a system in which we've got strong protections in place but the basic architecture that's made the internet so powerful and such a open system ends up being preserved." Lest you think this was an oblique way of answering the top-voted question about the extradition of a British student for running a website that linked to pirated films and television shows, the moderator brought up the query word for word. "We want to make sure intellectual property is protected," responded the President. "But, we want to do it in a way that's consistent with internet freedom, and we're just going to keep on working on it."

The final formal question dealt with the role comedy plays in the political process, asked by "the premiere" President Obama internet impersonator. Before the event wrapped up, all the Americans who participated in the town hall were able to ask the President something personal. Questions ranged from how he gets his favorite junk food to requests to be his personal physician and how he plans to celebrate his 20th wedding anniversary.

In a press release, LEAP slammed the interview, saying that the White House ignored the top-voted video question in favor of getting the president's take on "late night snacking, singing and dancing, celebrating wedding anniversaries and playing tennis."


News Hawk - 420 Warrior 420 MAGAZINE
Source: The Huffington Post
Author: Anna Almendrala
Contact: www.huffingtonpost.com/contact
Copyright: Copyright © 2012 TheHuffingtonPost.com. Inc.
Website: www.huffingtonpost.com
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Anyone who actually thinks Obama was going to answer any questions on mmj or mj legalization is simple minded.
This was'nt a question & answer session,it was a campaign commercial.
Are you people really that stupid?The questions that were asked,and the answers that were given,were rehearsed & set up.
It's not about doing what the people want,it's about getting re-elected.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

I didn't vote for him, but he might be our country's best shot at decriminalization in his SECOND term. To your point, it is all about winning elections. After he has won the penultimate election, he has nothing to lose. I believe he will have it rescheduled.

I would rather Ron Paul or the *other* libertarian candidate win, but for the first time in my life...I might vote Democrat.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

I did vote for him...If the other one got in, it would be pure hell for the middle class and poor but a payday for the rich among others. I am disappointed that he hasn't took a stand on legalization. And I will more than likely vote for him again.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

All I know is, if Mitt or Newt get their grubby paws on our country, there goes any chances for legalization and there goes any chance for help, in the already established MMJ states...If not the total banishment of any notion of MMJ, what so ever!!

Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

All I know is, if Mitt or Newt get their grubby paws on our country, there goes any chances for legalization and there goes any chance for help, in the already established MMJ states...If not the total banishment of any notion of MMJ, what so ever!!


Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

420 mag forum,a gathering place for the mindless sheeple of America.Unbelievable. These so called champions of the people have overseen MORE mmj dispensary raids than the previous repub admin & you want to try to make people think they need to do it all over again.Dont you know that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over & over while expecting a different outcome each time.They don't care about you,all they want is your vote.You vote for them & they lie and don't make good on the promise that made you vote for them,so what do you do? YOU VOTE FOR THEM AGAIN!
Your vote is in the bag for them & they know it & they know they can keep doing it because every time someone like me strays off the plantation the sheeple like you come out of the woodwork & scare everybody with that tired old boogyman story about not being able to vote for any political party that isn't the democrat party.
Keep marching along you mindless robots,you'll get to nowheresville soon enough.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

420 mag forum,a gathering place for the mindless sheeple of America.Unbelievable. These so called champions of the people have overseen MORE mmj dispensary raids than the previous repub admin & you want to try to make people think they need to do it all over again.Dont you know that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over & over while expecting a different outcome each time.They don't care about you,all they want is your vote.You vote for them & they lie and don't make good on the promise that made you vote for them,so what do you do? YOU VOTE FOR THEM AGAIN!Your vote is in the bag for them & they know it & they know they can keep doing it because every time someone like me strays off the plantation the sheeple like you come out of the woodwork & scare everybody with that tired old boogyman story about not being able to vote for any political party that isn't the democrat party.
Keep marching along you mindless robots,you'll get to nowheresville soon enough.

Well, ahem, first time I have been called a sheeple..lol..First let me say that I don't really engage in politics to the degree that you do. When Obama ran it was literally the first time I voted at all. Before then all I heard was don't complain if you're not going to vote or if you want to see changes then you need to vote. I am aware that politicians have their agendas but after Bush a change was definitely needed. I don't think putting McCain in office as being the right choice.

But can I ask a question? I am all for people speaking their minds even if we don't agree. Why do you sound angry? Why are you coming across as hostile even? Or am I mistaking this for another emotion? So who would you vote for in the upcoming elections? Romney? Paul? Gingrich? Obviously we know it's not Obama...lol...
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

I don't know what we're yelling about!!!!!
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

These so called champions of the people have overseen MORE mmj dispensary raids than the previous repub admin & you want to try to make people think they need to do it all over again.

Your statement is accurate but you have to remember that we have also seen (and I am speaking about California) the biggest expansion of the medical cannabis industry under Obama's administration. Right or wrong, people decided to enter into this business after Obama was elected. I am not sure why more medical cannabis operations equals more raids.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

420 mag forum,a gathering place for the mindless sheeple of America.Unbelievable. These so called champions of the people have overseen MORE mmj dispensary raids than the previous repub admin & you want to try to make people think they need to do it all over again.Dont you know that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over & over while expecting a different outcome each time.They don't care about you,all they want is your vote.You vote for them & they lie and don't make good on the promise that made you vote for them,so what do you do? YOU VOTE FOR THEM AGAIN!
Your vote is in the bag for them & they know it & they know they can keep doing it because every time someone like me strays off the plantation the sheeple like you come out of the woodwork & scare everybody with that tired old boogyman story about not being able to vote for any political party that isn't the democrat party.
Keep marching along you mindless robots,you'll get to nowheresville soon enough.

All I know, is that I would rather have more of the same, than something much, much worse....Like 10 steps back to 1 forward.

I didn't vote for NoBama the fist time and have no plans to vote for him this time either but if it comes down to either Newt or Mitt against Obama, with no other, better candidate to vote for by then?...I'll have to go with Big "O" this time.

1st choice; Ron Paul
2nd choice; Gary Johnson
3rd choice; Obama, IDK? Maybe, no vote at all!!!

I WILL NOT vote for a candidate that will go back to the old ways of continuing the drug war!

"Reefer Madness" MUST END!!! AT ALL COST!!!
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Hmmm, makes me wanna go run and change into my AppleBottom Obama shirt that says YES, WE CAN!!!! I don't know anything about Gary Johnson and Ron Paul seems to always be in last in the polls. What burns me up is how everyone wants to blame Obama for the mess we're in when Bush is the one who created the mess while Obama is trying to play the clean up man. From what I see, the Republicans always wanna go against Obama just because for them it seems like the thing to do. Or prolly because Obama is a president who doesn't take their shit. Or because they are finally feeling the sting to their pockets that most of us has been feeling for a long time. And despite him not coming through on legalization of mmj, he actually seems like a president who cares about the people. I don't think I have seen that since Jimmy Carter and Clinton. Unless Obama gets assassinated or drops dead, I am sticking with him. I don't know enough about Johnson and Paul. But I know enough to know we don't need Newt or Mitt..
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Hey Queen, Gary Johnson 2012 , pretty solid individual both personally, professionally, and politically. Scaled Mt. Everest, started a door to door handyman biz and grew it to over 1,000 employess and was the gov of AZ. Nicknamed "Governor Veto" because he didn't allow his congressman to fuck the state up by passing a bunch of stupid, invasive bills. Worth a read, as he will definitely be on the ballot in November under the Libertarian Party and we will have a pro-420 candidate to vote for if we choose.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Thanks for sharing the info on Johnson...I will give it a look.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

I think even Republicans would give Bush a D-.

It is clear we are not happy with our government, especially on cannabis. So why keep doing the insane thing (props to Kash), voting in the same people?! That includes Obama and EVERY MEMBER OF THE POLITICAL ARISTOCRACY that WE the people allowed to happen or even encourage.

For every litmus test I would ever impose on a candidate, the Libertarian candidate always passes. I am voting like 420 warrior.

I guarantee you. Obama will MOVE on cannabis in his second term...but I am still voting my mind.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Who is running that is Libertarian? What is that anyway? I did say I didn't know much about politics. If I saw or knew of someone that was doing better than Obama or could do better I would vote for that person. I did read over the info about Johnson but the jury is still out on him. As much as I watch the news I have never heard him mentioned at all.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

I really didn't have too much problem with Obama until he pushed that healthcare bill down everyone's throats.

I just don't like a president to force things on the people who don't want it.

Bush wasn't the sole cause of the mess we're in...he may have contributed to it? But, he inherited that mess, just like Obama did.

Obama ran on the premise that "Bush" caused all of it and that's what turned me off about him to start with.

He won on the ticket of "pointing fingers" and "casting blame" AKA; "Passing the buck" and I can't support that, personally!

I want an honest/worthy president, not one who is deceptive and dishonest to just weasel their way in by way of bashing other candidates!

Now, Michelle Obama want's to make it to where restaurant's can only give you a certain portion on your plate, instead of the owners of the restaurant's deciding how much to server their customers? WHAT? How is this helping anyone?

Obama, just want's to dabble in people's personal lives and dictate our daily activities! I can't support that either! Just leave us alone and let us decide for our selves how to live!

Our Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, with the idea of letting the "people" decide the fate of this country! And that, I do support!!!
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Who is running that is Libertarian? What is that anyway? I did say I didn't know much about politics. If I saw or knew of someone that was doing better than Obama or could do better I would vote for that person. I did read over the info about Johnson but the jury is still out on him. As much as I watch the news I have never heard him mentioned at all.
QT, Gary Johnson is running for the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the U.S., and the fastest growing. Their motto/goal is: "As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others." The Cato Institute is probably the most well known Libertarian "Think Tank" and policy debater.

He was in the debates early on and got some coverage. You probably won't ever hear much about anybody other than Obama or Romney from the mainstream media because they are owned by Dems and Repubs. But he will pick up the majority of Ron Paul supporters if not nominated, and that will be a substantial chunk of voters that could have an impact this year as the "Freedom Movement" continues to grow. Ron Paul ran as prez under the Libertarian Party in '88.
Re: Will The President Answer A Former LAPD Deputy Chief About Marijuana Legalization

Thanks for the info, Bud...And Warrior, what? Michelle said that? Yeah, that is taking it a bit far. She is all on a healthy kick, White House has a veggie garden. Don't know if they had it with past presidents but don't recall ever hearing it mentioned before.

Ugh, I am politically retarded. Well who does W have to blame but his father. Wasn't he in office before him? At this point I guess it doesn't matter the mess is here..
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