Working at a collective without a recommendation


New Member
I have a general question. I have been approached by a customer of mine and has asked me if I could do accounting for his orange county CA collective. I have done some research and it seems like to do anything for these collectives you need to have a doctors recommendation and a state license. Am I able to work at this location and do accounting and inventory for them without having a card.

any help is appreciated.
Yes I was thinking that, but the issue is, if I am doing book work and software work as well as book keeping, I can't really work there without the tax man knowing it. so I was wondering if it's against regulations or if it's ok
oh course and that is why they want me to do accounting for them to make sure that the tax man gets the correct amounts from what owners are telling me is that a lot of these establishments are having issues when they don't pay the correct amount to the correct authorities. my question is,

am I allow to be inside the collective without a doctors recommendation, I would be doing book work and other accounting docs
You could call the Cannabis College in Southfield Mi, They could answer this question for you..The number is 888-633-4769
I have tried to call several times but with no answer. I will continue to try, does anybody have any info for california collectives.
Any one who goes inside a marijuana dispensary should have a state issued ID card and a doctors note. If you are crunching the numbers in your office and do not enter the dispensary you do not need a doctor's note.
Thank you for being sure this dispensary pays their fare share to the tax man.
mr.breakit, you could talk to the district attorney or prosecutor for the city where the collective is located. That's who would file charges if you were doing something illegal. If they say that you need a card, just ask what statute requires it. Then you can research the statute to see if the information you received is legitimate and make your decision.
I think the biggest issue is WHERE inside of the collective that you will be. There are areas inside of a collective that non-members are allowed (if that collective allows it - you need to remember that all collectives to operate differently, with their own rules, but they also have to follow the state laws as well, but they can add their own rules in addition - does that make sense?).

If you do not have a doc rec, then, at least in CA, you shouldn't be granted access to areas that house the plants, products, etc. There are other rooms such as, for example, a waiting room that you may be allowed access too. Often times a caregiver or a spouse will be allowed to remain in those areas while the patient is in another area of the coop. Additionally, there may be other offices that are in other areas houses separately from the grow rooms, veg rooms and selling areas. If the coop has areas like this (which not all do), then you may be allowed to perform you work there.

All coops are set up differently, so of course, it will depend. Ideally, a coop would be set up to allow for both members & non-members to have access to the building or storefront to take into consideration situations likes people that walk in and may not have a membership/rec, delivery services, caregivers/spouses, etc.

Hope this helps :) GL in your potential job endeavor.
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