Yellow tips on every leaf


New Member
help please......i have two females .super silver haze sunk strain number one...their outdoor and every leaf now has yellow burnt spots (very tiny)on tips of each leaf....please help guys....what should ido..
Hey everyone i know this fellow so i will be going to his house today or tomorrow to take some pictures for him tell help out Also he does not mean mothers. I'm not sure but i think he told me ther where starting to flower I could be worng though but i am sure they are not mother plants and that if not already flowering they are being grown to flower. Also the leaves hes talking about are fan leaves.
I fert once every week and water once or twice a far as nuts i use shultz.10-15-10 ...can my plants be harmed by this way im feeding/watering them?? A concerned stoner...-o-o-
Stanky sorry his plants arnt near a river so thats a no go. I'm going to try and take pictures today for him so please check back later tonight if you have a chance.
Torco he said that they seem to have stoped yellowing but have not recovered any color in the other yellow leafs. Also these are the pictures of his plant's.



The leaves will not recover. As long as it is not getting worse and all the new vegetation is healthy, then problem solved. The plants look pretty healthy to me.
Yeah NDW there actually are, especially considering he just put them in some cruddy dirt not even soil and the fact that he was giving them flowering food there whole life. OK thanks NDW I know that's one less thing for him to worry about now.
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