Fruit Flies in my DWC room


New Member
Fruit flies or fungus gnats. Not sure which one, but I have about 5 of them in there right now. Killed most of them, but one is still in there I know.

in a DWC... whats up with that? Its a clean environment for the most part. i don't see any evidence of anything on my plants or leaves, but they in a sealed room, so something is going on for these bugs to show up. Anyone else have had this experience? Its a bit warm in the rz.. 72-74. Root ball so big that the top of it is sitting above the water level... I have big air stones and I am pumping an enormous amount of O2 into the DWC water and roots. Could they be laying eggs on top of the root ball?

Its in week 3 of Flowering. So want to use any pesticides or anything. Please help.

Argh.. fruit flies.. I used to have those always when I was growing in soil on the porch.. and they leave those long glassy larvae in the soil that eat up the roots. hate them.
can they lay their eggs in the hydro pebbles? I would think not?
hope you got rid of them.

yeah, they been gone. Used fly paper to get rid of them. :)
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