420 Magazine Website News: March 2018

420 Magazine
420 Magazine

Welcome to our March update. As we’ve been trailing for the last couple of months, the migration to completely new software has happened. This has taken – and continues to take – a tremendous amount of work by all our staff. It has been an Herculean task and has been implemented with remarkably few major problems, despite our previous webmaster going missing in the middle of the process. In our 25th year, 420 Magazine still strives to be the leading Cannabis and Hemp website, which means not only having continually updated content, but also the right software to keep pace with technology and the growing number of mobile device users.

The 420 Magazine and Tapatalk apps are both currently non-operational. The entire website is now fully mobile-friendly and responsive, if accessed through a browser. We recommend Google Chrome, as it tends to work the best out of all browsers available. The reason we were forced to disable the mobile apps for now, is due to the fact that Tapatalk began forcing our member photo uploads to their server without any notice or permission whatsoever, instead of ours. Not only did this cause empty posts on our website when they deleted them, it was also not secure for our members. Our own software strips all the exif location data from photos, and we host on secure servers in Canada. Our members’ security is our primary responsibility. When we inquired to Tapatalk, they shut off our mobile uploads altogether. When we inquired again, they told us we could upload photos as attachments, which is 20 year old technology and runs risk of embedding viruses and trojans. When we inquired about that, they banned us from their support forums and said if we didn’t like it, we could cancel our account. For these reasons, we have decided to not work with them anymore, while we search for a new developer to create an app for us, under our own conditions and control.

We are working through all the inevitable glitches of course, and members are quickly becoming accustomed to the fresh, modern look and all the extra amazing features. Over the next few months, there will be even more new features to enjoy like the new interactive strain reviews section, interactive product reviews section, dispensary, attorney, headshop & grow shop listings, video uploads, blogs and more.

Both staff and members have excelled in creating new tutorials and supporting the community in using the new software, whilst at the same time our team of Moderators are dealing with all the usual day-to-day work, keeping 420 Magazine clear and clean of spam (which has almost disappeared – another advantage of the new software) and full of the positive energy that we foster.

Here are some new, useful links to support threads and tutorials. There will be more to come, so do keep an eye on Member Resources for further support.

Photo Gallery Guide – How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Watched Threads Tutorial
New Website Tips, Tricks & Discussions
Brand New Forums & Gallery

We are particularly grateful to those members who have stepped up and, uninvited, walked less tech-savvie members through the new processes and contributed to our tutorials. Thank you. It’s members like you that make 420 Magazine the great community it is.

If you are having any problems with the new website, please post in Brand New Forums & Gallery or contact any member of our staff. We are all learning together.

If you are a fresh face here, please do take a moment and read our Posting Guidelines. They are there to help and protect you and to keep 420 Magazine full of the spirit of knowledge-sharing, friendship and good vibes that we all work so hard to preserve.

If you are a more established member, we’d remind you to check our Home Page regularly. Many of us can get into the habit of just sticking to the journals, however on the home page you’ll find all the most recent news and announcements, reviews and warrior profiles as well as articles celebrating our contest-winning members and generous sponsors.

We always say that we wouldn’t be here without our Sponsors, however it’s equally true that 420 Magazine wouldn’t be such a great mission without you, our members. We are always grateful for your presence, contributions, positive energy and spirit of helping others. :love:

Human Resources: Job Opportunities
If you are interested in helping to support our Mission, please do check out our Human Resources forum.

We are currently looking for a Gallery Moderator to help us keep photos on-topic and on-site. If you are interested in this role, please email support@420magazine.com

We are pleased to announce that March’s Sponsor of the Month is Dope Seeds.

Dope Seeds have been in business as a cannabis seed store since 2002 so you can trust them to deliver the goods. Renowned for their excellent customer service, attention to detail and fast response times to customer inquiries – just read the testimonials – Dope Seeds also offer one of the biggest ranges of cannabis seeds anywhere in the world. They have marijuana seeds from all of the world’s top seeds banks and a particularly extraordinary range of autoflowering cannabis seeds.

420 Magazine Contests
We are delighted to welcome some new sponsors to our contests. Additional support such as this is invaluable in furthering our mission, so please do check out their websites and look at their products.

Our new Photo of the Month contest is proving to be incredibly popular, with entries of great quality. It has attracted all these new Seedbank sponsors:

Dope Seeds Contributes:

Bomb Seeds Contributes:

Auto Seeds Contributes:

Plant of the Month contest now has a premium nutrient supplier, Remo Nutrients as a sponsor.

Remo Nutrients Contributes:

And the lovely, family run business, Cannabis Irrigation Supply, has generously sponsored Plant of the MonthNug of the Month and Member of the Month contests.

Cannabis Irrigation Supply Contributes:

We are truly grateful to all these wonderful companies, as we all evolve together.

If you enjoy photos of sticky buds or extraordinary plants, if you aspire to be the Member of the Month or want to see some of the best grow journals anywhere, then do look at our monthly contests. Congratulations to all our winners, who, thanks to our sponsors, will be receiving some great prize packages.

Imtoasted – 420 Magazine’s Member of the Month – February 2018
TheGreenYeti – 420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month – February 2018
GrowchyzGardenOfGreen – 420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month – February 2018
Pterostychus – 420 Magazine’s Grow Journal Of The Month – March 2018
UrbanAchiever – 420 Magazine’s Photo of the Month Contest – February 2018

420 Magazine runs five contests each month, celebrating our members and their work. You don’t have to be an experienced grower to enter – any member with a minimum of 50 posts may enter and vote in those with polls. There are some great prizes to win – exclusive 420 Magazine merchandise such as nug jars, t-shirts, lighters, magnets (which you can’t get hold of any other way), and some quality and high value goods from our sponsors too; lights, nutrients, vaporizers, seeds, gift certificates and much more.

So if you fancy picking up a garden-full of great prizes, or just enjoy looking at some of the most beautiful plants and nugs produced on the planet, do check out our contests. They are fun and inspirational.

That’s it for this month. Thank you for being a valuable part of our Mission, we are truly grateful for you.

Sending you all lots of love and positive energy through the universe.

Your 420 Magazine Team
