• Hello from the Ozarks..You hit the nail on the head about "tomato" farmers...me included. I'm semi-green to indoor,but woefully unsuccessful. I've read a couple of your expose's,and was wondering if theres a compilation of your how to's? I'd like to put together a reference, save me asking about already covered subjects. I've read similar authors on different sites, but your the most informative,and an easier read.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi @Oldgrower54 and nice to meet you neighbor! I do have a thread that I have created that has a reference to all of my favorite work, but of course it is easy to search for anything originated by any member using the search system. Check out this link and I hope you get a lot of information from my work over the years.
    Good Morning Emmie: After writing you I got off my bum and basically followed your instructions. I'm Dyslexic. Just wrote a post in members lounge. I loved your proper watering tutorial, it was easy to understand. Reminded me of my high school AG/FFA teacher, Mr Fluet was mentored by Booker T Washington.... his favorite mantra, "make them roots chase the water"
    Don't know if your familiar with Bakercreek Heirloom seeds or the village in Mansville, they have some nice festivals, and now that Medical Marijauna is here in Mo I imagine come Spring there may be some vendors. Happy Trails
    May I bother you for a minute. Have some a question.
    How do I post a picture here
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    you have to create a gallery picture to be able to post it in this section, i believe... it is much easier to do on your own thread. Do you have a compulsion against posting a thread on this forum? I assure you as a less than legal grower for over 10 years posting on this site, that it is safe.
    Yup I’m not in a Non legal state n I’ve Ben here safely for a few years ............ 420 mag has my trust!!!!! 10000 percent ........
    Hi Emilya i just started a new auto flower run and I'm starting to see some lightening of the leaves
    I honestly cant figure out how to start a grow journal
    I think i figured it out not completely sure
    first go with autos? what's your goal? i suspect you'll b bummed about losing genetics. i was. clones plodded on, with the mothers, zackly as you'll read. it was wasteful. for turnaround- clones go faster. i thought to fem out a branch, much in the style u operate, but while i can let a boy play with himself, outside, alone... i don't want the aggravation of a soil commitment and don't want to plug in, under the sun, either so that was out, too.
    i also felt a lack of control- couldn't stress em to make em delay n grow taller. while supercropping, to avoid a light, just pissed em off (buds beyond the bend/knot, would b smaller).
    i watched some YouTube grows and people seem to either love, or b done with em. definitely in demand.
    Hey Em! Hope this weekend finds you warm and well! I'm happily plugging along on my first grow, and am getting pretty close to the end! Just was wondering if i could pick your brilliant brain for a second!

    My White Widow looks to have this darkening around the edges of a lot of leaves, including sugar leaves... does this sound like natural colour change as she nears harvest time, or is something else at play? Doesn't look like any of the common deficiency symptoms I've been studying, but I'm just no expert on these beautiful plants! I have some detailed pics here, in my current journal. If you get a chance to pop by, any input is highly regarded, thanks!!
    If I could get a minute or two of your time please and thank you
    When I'm watering my plant if it's taking 10 or more days to dry up completely should I be giving extra nutrients or water just regularly also I'm using foxfarm grow big and I have big bloom aswell but I havent used it yet
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    evaporation only accounts for about 2% of the water usage in a closed container, a bit more in a smart container... but the majority of the water that leaves the container (a huge amount actually) is taken up by the plant.
    i don't do soil, anymore, but anyone else thinking they might aerate the soil with hydroton, coco, or perlite? that's an awful long time to b wet. fungus gnats, yet? mildew? mould? doesn't take long.
    i don't know the name of the product, but it looks like a layer of hydroton, on top of the soil (probably isn't hydroton) and it's supposed to prevent gnats.
    Hey Emilya! Happy Friday from the land of Aus! :slide:
    I had a question about my ROLS grow, because you have been an invaluable help already in the past! I am about 3 weeks into flower now, and super stoked with the way plants are looking. I kind of have two questions though;
    1. I'm slightly confused because i haven't really had to add magnesium to my ladies, since correcting my dolomite lime errors much earlier on in veg... i thought mg was one that I should've expected to be helping with, even with ROLS, as preloading soil with it should lock out other nutrients? Or are there still some dry amendments that the microbes do break down to make bioavailable Mg without necessarily having too much available at any given time and locking out others?

    2. I haven't been using my Canna bio nutes as I am trying to stay true organic and feed the soil, not the plant. I do have some Canna Bio Boost already though, do you think its worth using it just cuz I've got it, or does that hint of blasphemy in an otherwise untainted ROLS grow? :D sorry for long-winded message, but you are so incredibly knowledgeable in so many styles of gardening, especially true organics!! :) any help is so very much appreciated!
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi Slammy! Most good designer soils are going to have a little bit of magnesium in them... my subcool supersoil has some epsom salt in the mix. Also, most tap water has some in it, so there are times when you can find plants that don't need extra. We have just found that when using filtered water, and under LED light, the need for magnesium supplements seems to go up. The bio boost has to help... and this is a good way to make sure the microlife is thriving. I am using Realgrower's Recharge, and with that, I don't even need to do compost teas.
    Slammy Pajama
    Slammy Pajama
    Awesome, thanks!! I'll try some of the boost and see how they like it :). And i hadn't thought about my water and some of the minerals in it, (duh!) I use tap water that's been aired for a couple days, which seems to be enough to offgas the small amount of chlorine added to our local supply (luckily not chloramine! Although i think I've heard powdered vitamin C can be good for that?). I really can't wait to see how they turn out, my girl scout cookie is starting to look so sparkly! :yummy: i have been keeping a physical grow journal, but i need to start keeping them going here, maybe then I'll get in the habit of writing more consistently! Thanks again for your reply, and i hope you have a glorious weekend! :)
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    right back at ya! and yes, a vitamin c tab can dechlorinate a bathtub sized vat of water... drops it right out.
    Hello Emilya. I'm currently growing autos in 50/50 ffof ffhf. I'm using both of the fox farms trios. I haven't used any nutrients to this point. The girls are starting to show some deficiency. I wish I would of started the fox farms regiment from the beginning of the grow. Live and learn. My question is, should I start full strength? I'm 25 days from seed. Also I just did a top water, do I need to wait to feed since the soil is moist? I started a grow journal, if you would like to see pictures and mentor a newbie. Thank you.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Welcome to the forum @CannonTheHooper! I would be happy to look in at your journal and will link to it after writing this note. At 25 days you should be near the 4 week point on the FF feeding schedule, and I would keep on that week until you see flowering start, and then move to week 5. Since these suggested nute levels are for plants of that age, I would feel comfortable following the recommendations at full strength, but no harm will be done by going 1/2 strength the first time. Remember to feed/water/feed/water all the way through the grow, and since you just watered, I would wait till the soil dries all the way to the bottom (have you read my watering tutorial?) and then I would water with the nutes the next time.
    I have read your watering tutorial and have been following it. The only trouble was I read it after I started the grow. I started directly in 5gal pots, because so much bad advise told me how awful of an idea it was to up pot autos.
    Good morning Emilya, My first time grow. I started my two auto girls in 5 gallon pots after reading so much DO NOT TRANSPLANT AUTOS boy i was wrong. My question is how to properly water going forward. I have only watered twice since planting. The top of the Smart pot is slowly drying but the mid to bottom remains moist to wet. Do I leave them to fully dry or little circling around the perimeter. Thank you for any assistance.:(:)

    Heres my link, Help my little girl needs advice.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi... yep, that is why I hate that advice to start in large containers... it makes it so hard to water properly! The solution is to remember that there are actually 2 sets of roots on our weed, the top spreader roots and the bottom feeder roots. You can save yourself from this potting problem (lets say mistake and get everyone going) by partially watering, with about 1/3 what you would normally use, to just soak in to the first 3 inches or so. This lets the top spreader roots, that were designed to scoop up a quick rain's water before deep rooting cash crops could get it, grab all that water, keep the plant's metabolism high, and even get some nutes in there. Your goal is to give just enough for this to happen, but not enough that gravity will drop it to the bottom and add to the water table that you are trying hard to get used up. I would do this about every 3 days, until the bottom finally dries out and you can properly water the entire container. Hopefully before bloom gets underway, you can get these processes to sync up and be able to properly water each time.
    Thank you so much I will give it a go starting tomorrow :)
    Hey, how are you, sorry to disturb you but i was looking forward to send some photos of my work and you could give me some advice as i think i am doing many things wrong with growing my plants, overwatering i guess after reading your thread. Looking forward for a reply. Regards Loku
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Hi Loku! The easiest way to do this and get more help is to start your own grow journal. You can't put pictures on profile posts unless you have saved them to the Gallery, and you can't send private messages until you have 50 posts under your belt. It is easy to post pictures in a journal however and then you can use the @Loku call to alert any member that you would like to get their input. Welcome to the forum!
    Hey thank you for the tip
    Hi Emilya! I’ve just recently started reading your posts and they have been so helpful especially with watering, I had a few questions, about top dress for my outdoor and what your opinion is. I know your posts mostly talk about indoor growing.. but I recently started my outdoor grow for the summer, I had very little time to plan but i have two 800 gal pots, and four 400 gal. I used a organic soil blend of Peatmoss, Aged and composted Steer Manure, Coco fiber, Perlite and pumice, Aged and composted Chicken Manure, Worm Castings, oyster shell flour, Calphos Rock Phosphate, 9-3-7 Fertilizer and Kelp Meal. I just started following your watering protocol because I started noticing the plants drooping from over watering. I haven’t been building a living soil because it’s my first year growing at this property I’m at .. so my question is I was going to do a weekly soil drench feed of azos, mikos, calmag, em-1, water Soluble kelp and liquid fish. And then later in the week do a top dress of bio-live from down to earth, humus, compost and earth worm castings.. I’m wondering what your opinion is on that and what’s a better option if there is one, I didn’t want to brew tea this year.. they make it local so I was thinking of maybe getting some once or twice .. but I’d like to just top dress or is that a waste of time and I should of just added it all before I planted? I always keep it organic but I’ve had people recommend doing nutes in conjunction which sounds silly to me and wanted to know your opinion on that. Thank you so much for your time!
    Ok thank you so much! I ordered the urb and the earth dust .. also for when I’m watering in the urb would I use the same watering technique? Pre soak the 2 inch of soil and then drench the outer edges and then the root ball? Or is there a different protocol for that?
    Also what do you recommend for bloom? And I read below you mentioned bloom fertilizer spikes around the outer edges what do you mean by spikes ? Would it be just top dressing the outer edges with bloom compost? Or something like that?
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    The same proper watering techniques remain, no matter the inputs. Always make the roots chase toward the wettest spots, hopefully the outer edges. Boom or flowering plant food spikes are available commercially (Jobes) or you can DIY them by drilling vertical holes in the 5 places, and funnelling in the proper raw nutrients. Look at the spot going into flower in my last grow journal where I give the recipe for these home made spikes as I built my containers for bloom. The only thing I top dress with is as I build the container I put a thin layer of bloodmeal on the top and then I cover that with about an inch to an inch and a half of bark mulch. The mulch protects and keeps the top surface alive with microbial activity, and it protects the grow from gnats and other pests that burrow into the soil to lay their eggs.
    Emilya, I just received my Earth Dust from Green Sunshine and some microbes from URB. Would these goodies mixed with some nice soil and filtered tap water equate to a nice organic grow? Any soil recommendations or suggestions in general would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    It's certainly a great start! I assume you are adding this to a good organic soil with lots of chunky organics and perlite and moss and myco. If so, I would add a couple of thin layers of earthworm castings in there as you build up the soil in your containers and maybe a thin layer of composted manure at the bottom for the roots to find. To supercharge the grow, when you get to your final flowering container, along with these tricks, add 4 or 5 organic bloom fertilizer spikes around the outside edges, again for the final roots to find. With the 3 recommended applications of ED along with regular URB to keep the active microlife going, you shouldn't need anything else but your good water, and you don't even have to worry about the pH. Yes, this would be a modern scientific organic grow. Good luck! Let me know how it goes!
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    Thank you so much! I definitely will keep you updated
    Emilya, I don't know how to thank you, it took me 3+ days thinking of the right words to describe how grateful I am to you, but I couldn't find anything other than THANK YOU. Thank you for truly caring to help. Thank you for sharing your knowledge , Thank you for the fast attention you give for who'sin need. For New growers 1 small problem is a big Emergency , I wish there is a way to Show you my gratitude.
    Hi Emilya. Hope everything is going well. I'd really appreciate any advice, input or suggestions on my problem with the ladies.

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    Could be too much nutrients, lighting or watering. I haven't tried spikes for weed. I was told liquid feed the better way. Check out pictures of plants that have had too much of each and compare.
    Will do
    Excited to have come across these posts and Emilya! As a scientist it was interesting reading the reasons behind why you/ we do things rather than just what to do.

    Cheers from England x :peace:
    Hi Emilya i was wondering if using soil thats pre ph’d to 6.6-6.8 at what ph does the roots take up Nitrogen
    Thanks im for your help im just trying to learn how to identify deficiencies As one of my plans are starting to fade yellow
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    If you could start a grow journal you could post some pictures of the fading so we can all see what is going on and give you advice so that you can learn to diagnose this symptom the next time you see it. When you get a picture posted, call me to the thread with the @Emilya command and I will be glad to help all that I can.
    Hi Emilya, I was wondering if you know.... Does a person have to have a certain number of posts before they can post a Grow Journal ? I keep trying to start one but it says I have "insufficient privileges to post Here". Was going to be my 1st one ever...LOL.
    If I get to do it I'll tag you in it .... May need some of your advice along the way.
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