10 days after final soil flush leaves don't look right - Pics


New Member
This plant is 10 days or so after final flush in soil. Only a small amount of molasis was added to ph'ed tap water.

Other ones have standard yellowing as expected but this one looks very different.

Any idea what's going on?

Plant was all green before flush.

What kind of plant is it?

Unknown. 4\4 seeds from a the mother bud came out female. They must be all the same genetics but thus one is the only one with these dark leaves.

Other plants showed classic yellowing and dieing off from the bottom up.

This plants leaves went dark near the top and the undergrowth was about 50\50 still-green and yellowing.

The dark leaves look crunchy but are actually real soft and floppy.
My ladies in late flower also use up their leaves, and I'm usually left with buds on a stick. :rofl: Don't worry. It looks like they are on schedule. If your trics are cloudy, and you like a head high over couch-lock, harvest now. If you want more of a body high, with less THC and more body-lock, go a week or two more.

Not all strains make amber trics. Feel the buds. Are they plump and firm? Then they are ready, depending on what you want.
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