420-Friendly Places To Visit In Canada?

Gorilla Seeds

Well-Known Member
One of the people who works at Gorilla is thinking about traveling to Canada this May/June for vacation, but had some questions that you wouldn't ask your travel agent.

Do you guys have some suggestions for weed-friendly & tourist-friendly places that would be cool to visit?
Maybe with some other things to do too.

I'm guessing the weather would be very nice that time of year - not too hot, not too cold?

Any info, suggestions or opinions are welcome!

Thanks guys
Is it like other places where they have one rule for local residents and other ones for people who don't live there?

At the dispensaries - not the oceans, mountains or while you're running your fingers through Trudeau's hair.
BC is reasonably weed friendly in general. It's illegal- but so common that there isn't a lot of paranoia around smoking and even personal grows. By the summer it may be legal in some form. The Kootenays- (Nelson and surrounding area) has long been a hippie/counterculture haven, and center for outdoor and indoor grows. There are many others.
Like Vancouver, Montreal downtown seems pretty open about smoking pot in public. When I was there last fall, people were smoking it on the patio of a Starbucks and no one seemed fazed.
Weed is still illegal in Canada. Some places are really chill about it but all you need is one cop having a bad day and now you're having a bad day too. Other that that rare possibility, you can smoke up just about anywhere outside in Montreal, especially at night. Be discreet though and stay away from schoolyards, etc. There' a place near a park in downtown Montreal where weed and coke are sold like candy --cops see the deals going down and mostly all they do is flash their lights and maybe give a brief little whoop-whoop with the siren to break up the crowd. Weed stinks like shit and a lot of people don't want to smell it so, like I said, be discreet.
I have a friend who visited Victoria in 2015 and had no problem buying at the dispensary. He was guided to a dispensary from someone at, what I believe to have been a Medical Cannabis clinic.

The police in BC seem to have better things to do than harass cannabis users. That's why the Toronto cops had to fly to Vancouver to raid Cannabis Culture. They came down to The Hammer (Hamilton, Ontario) to bust our Cannabis Culture too. Must not be any real crime in Toronto these days.

As others have said, be discreet. No sense poking smokey the bear.

British Columbia is beautiful! Lots of things to do especially if you like the outdoors. You really should come north, we are pretty damn friendly up here.

One other thing, my friend retired last fall, packed up his bags and drove out to BC. He is happier than a pig in shit!

Peace. :peace:
We're Canadian. It doesn't where your from. Dispensaries don't care either.

Oh, the other thing is we have many smoking laws in Canada. If it says No Smoking, it means it. Tobacco or weed. Just a heads up.

Peace. :peace:
West coast definitely. From the oceans to the mountains there's a lot of great places to visit and it's more accepting of cannabis culture though it's still illegal so smoking in front of cops is asking for trouble.
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