420Girl's First Grow - Northern Lights - 2017

Here are some pics of Jolie....


Anyone know what might be causing these yellow marks on her leaves? It's only on one cola.
Today's the day folks! Chop time! She's about 25% amber so tonight it is. I've taken my last photos to double check she's definitely ready and she is, so here they are for your enjoyment.


Jolie has been growing for about 9 months now, surviving a cold winter windowsill as well as 90F heat. She took it all in her stride, and hardly even complained. What a trooper she is! I'll be particularly sad to see her go, after all this time. A big round of applause for Jolie everyone! Thank you, thank you! :) Teehee.

I'll take some harvest pictures and will let you know how much she yields. This journal isn't over yet! :)

:thanks: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
I want a smoke report when cured, hopefully this one does its job.

Sure thing. Fingers crossed eh.

I eventually finished the harvest at 3am. I had to remind myself what I needed to do as it'd been a while since my last one so I stuck on Pigeons420's guide on YT which was very helpful :) My back ached soooooo much by the end of it as I could only do it sitting on a hard floor so was very uncomfortable! Anyway, the buds are hanging up nicely in the tent, and some of the popcorn that I accidentally cut off is in a paper bag.


If anyone has any tips on the drying and curing process, please feel free to contribute.

Hi guys,

So, my buds have been drying for a week now and the RH ranges from 50-60% average, maxing at maybe 65% occasionally. I wouldn't say they feel moist as such when I touch them, but they're very sticky still! Do you guys think it's too soon to jar them? I obviously don't want to jar them if they still need a couple more days to dry.

I've also bought Boveda 62% humidipaks this time so I'm looking forward to being able to stick it in the jar with the bud and not worry too much :) I'm gonna put one in my existing jars of bud as well to see if it makes any difference to it.
Hehe, I just finished jarring it and got 24g!! I'm really pleased. I was expecting about 20g. I have to say though there's still a bit of moisture to be lost so it might shave a couple of grams off that but it's still pretty good. The buds are getting stuck together in the jar so I'm gonna leave the top off as I'm scared of moulding it! I've got my Boveda packs coming on Wednesday so at least I can stick one in with the bud and rest assured the humidity is perfect.

I had planned on trying some tonight after I finished jarring it but it's got way too late so I'll try tomorrow and let you know :)
I finally gave some a try last night. Here's a list of effects I felt:

Cottonmouth (major!)
Horny (sorry, being honest here!)
Music sounded different (though not necessarily better)
Anxiety (on and off)
Memory loss

That was pretty much it. I didn't get any particular feelings of euphoria, relaxation, happiness or uplifting feelings. I did notice that music sounded different and somehow seemed a lot LOUDER! I also felt myself picturing different things with different songs (that happens anyway but it was different this time somehow). Effects definitely peaked at around the 15 minute mark.

I'm not giving up though. I wanna try different strains if possible and see how they affect me. I'm also going to try using when I have friends over so it'll be a different set & setting to normal, as I only ever do it in the evening on my own which is quite boring and lonely. Perhaps I'm just not a good solo smoker.

So I suppose this concludes my journal. What a long and interesting journey it's been! I've learnt so much along the way. I did enjoy growing but I'm also going to enjoy a break for a while and I have to say I'm thoroughly enjoying peaceful nights in bed without the noise from the fans lol!!

Thank you all SO MUCH for your help and support throughout this 6 month+ grow. I couldn't have done it without your input! At least now I have some experience to take away with me for my next grow. I'll still be hanging around 420 Magazine anyway so I'll see you guys around.

Moderators, if you would do the honours, please.

:thanks: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us. :goodjob:

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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