Aeroponic Cloning Trial


420 Member
Hi guys, checking to see what info is out there on aeroponic cloning. I am doing some trials to determine the most effective process for this as I will be growing RDWC in 6" diameter pipes. I am experimenting in a 24 site Turboklone machine. I am on day 6 and have some roots starting on about 50%, but was expecting better results than this. Here is what I have done. Watered mothers with RO water and cal/mag 8 hours before cutting clones. Sanitized and flush rinsed my kloner. Prepared 6 L solution of RO water and 15 mL (less than the label directions of 5-10 mL/L) Clonex Cloning Solution and a 1/8 tsp. Clonex Root Maximizer (mycorrhizae) in kloner res, pH'ed to 5.9, temperature 19 degrees C (66 degrees F) PPM 275 (my meter uses a 0.7 conversion factor for PPM), cut clones from mother, trimmed off lower internode branches flush with stem, cut clone bottom to 1/4" below the internode at 45 degree angle, immediately dipped and coated all wound areas in Roots Gel Liquid and immediately placed in kloner lid. Did this for each of 24 clones 1 at a time. This took me an hour. I misted foliage with RO water and fired pump and fan up with dome on for first 3 days, wiping condensation off inside the dome once a day. On day 3, I checked pH and it had risen to 7.2 and PPM to 303. Temp increased to 21 degrees C (70 degrees F). I added 15 mL of Prop-o-gator 0-3-2 and adjusted my pH back down to 5.9. It keeps creeping daily as does the PPM. The level in the kloner res has dropped a half inch over the 6 days, so I believe some of this elevation is due to evaporation, but I think the pH spiking also has something to do with aeration from the sprayers. The temperature has stayed +- 1 degree C throughout. On day 6, the foliage is just now starting to show signs of yellowing that I usually associate with root development, but that good development I usually see when cloning in peat pucks is not yet visible. I have brought my res back up to volume with 1 L of RO water and a little shot of calcium and magnesium 1 mL/L and adjusted pH to 5.9. PPM is now 385. I am also wondering if the creeping pH has something to do with the mycorrhizae propagating. Anyone with aeroponic cloning experience the can speak to my scenario? Posted photos are of day 6.

Considering most people expect a week to 10 days for roots and you have them in 5 I'm not sure what your concern is?
You've already done far more to help ensure your success with your clones than most do.
Mine just go in tap water in a Dewey bucket and they usually take 1-2 weeks. They really don't need anything more than water until they've eaten up the lower leaves I usually transplant them before that. :peace:
Merry xmas guys, wanted to pick this thread back up as ice just got one of these

And had been slightly concerned over ph rising daily, i wasnt as thorough as the op here lol but i kept it simple and followed instructions.. only been a few days and no roots but wasnt expecting, just wondering more so about the res water,

Does it need changing at any point? Or should the spray action keep it aerated? Hydro res' are often changed, same thing here? And again with the ph, if as you both say they only need water really, im guessing you dont worry to much abour whats in it or ph? My first practice at this lol if i end up with one of each strain taking il be happy lol its all i want for now.
Just tried the oxyclone myself. I didn’t fill it I only did like 5 at a time. Used only bottled spring water in the reservoir and first five I used some cheap rooting hormone from Walmart and in about 8-9 days had roots on all clones. Left them in for 2wks total and transplanted. I did notice what I thought was a pretty good amount of evaporation when I took those out. Put in 5 more this time dipped in hormone and clonex same exact results rots in 8-9 on all clones. 100% on first two tries didnt clean out machine between two batches or anything. Just refilled with spring water. And kept an eye on water level with 2nd try. Transplanted both batches 2 more times and so far they are all healthy plants.

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